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Blaming roads or lack of shoulders is not an excuse. I feel sorry for his family, but speed limits are for these reasons. Sure his car can be curving up those roads at 120-140km or whatever he was doing as long as no unforseen things happen ie: A roo, an on coming car drifting abit to wide, some sand or dirt on road etc etc. which will need a reaction, and in this case at a higher speed the reaction can not be made efficiently.

Once again I feel sorry for his loved ones he has left behind, may he be resting in peace because no one deserves to die like that.

Just remember guys why sometimes speed limits are good in some areas...

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  • In Your Face
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Not a pretty sight. We can only speculate as to what might have happened. It could have been a normal guy out enjoying his car, when sh*t happened. I feel sad for him and his family and hope there was little pain or suffering.



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It seems the first cause of an accident in a high powered car is always speed even before its actually investigated. They could at least wait until its properly investigated before they come to that assumption. Jounalists love to jump on the speed bandwagon for the headlines. Not saying that it didn't happen that way but there can also be other factors. He could have fallen asleep at the wheel if the car failed to take a bend.

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  • Iconoclast
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It could have been me..............

Wonder how many of us this will slow down... If only for a while....

Fast cars / Immovable objects.... Do the maths.....

Momentum = Mass x Acceleration squared or something like that...

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he may have wanted to kill himself. Aparently there are may "speed" related fatalities that were discovered to be suicide.

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Ahhhh, Teven Road I *think* I know it well. This is the shortcut behind Ballina there Simmo?

If so it''s very Bumpy, quite narrow, sweeping blind corners and high speed straights...It's great fun, but a thing like this really jolts you reality a little bit, I use it every time I go to Brisbane!

Shocking Accident...Law's of Physics and Motion Bad

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  • Iconoclast
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Lumpen.. You have it.. Runs parallel to the Pacific Highway inland a bit and is a good climb uphill through the camphor laurels... Bending, bumpy and condensation in unexplanable places....

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