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:o on saturday nite about 20 kms south of byron bay on a back road,a 30 year old man hit atree in a 03 xr8 at very high speed.the xr8 snapped in half sending the front half down into a creek upside down.now if old mate wasnt dead when he hit the tree he certianly would have drowned. the back half ended up several metres away just a reminder that we should all slow down and keep safe.sorry bout the pic didnt have a scanner so I used a camera.


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Not a pretty sight. We can only speculate as to what might have happened. It could have been a normal guy out enjoying his car, when sh*t happened. I feel sad for him and his family and hope there was little pain or suffering.


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Blooody power poles - should not be anywhere near our roads.

OK, sure it's fairly obvious the guy was travelling too fast for the conditions as evidenced by the end result. But we don't know what lead up to it. Maybe a stray animal on the road he tried to avoid. Maybe even another vehicle. Bottom line he lost control and left the road. But he didn't have to die. If the road had been constructed in a safer manner with adequate shoulders and no damn power pole he might have had a chance to save his car and his life.

RIP - Condolences to his family and friends.

PS I see in today's news where the HWP are calling for unmarked and disguised patrol cars to be brought back into service. I wonder if one would have saved this guy's life if it had been patrolling that road? Would it have caused the guy to drive more slowly? I think not. On the other hand a marked highly visible patrol car may have done so ... food for thought.

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PS I see in today's news where the HWP are calling for unmarked and disguised patrol cars to be brought back into service. I wonder if one would have saved this guy's life if it had been patrolling that road?

On the other hand a marked highly visible patrol car may have done so ... food for thought.

I doubt it as the HWP car would have been hiding behind a tree on a straight piece of road on one of the express ways as they cant make as much money on country road's :o

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