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Back 4 times after 15k service

Guest Scootre

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Guest Scootre
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Ever since they did the 15k service on my T - about 5 weeks ago, it's been running like a piece of crap.

Up until the service (I use that term loosley), fuel econ was always16.3L /100k. After the service... for about 2 weeks, it was sitting at ~ 17.3L/100k, mis firing, hard to start, lagging. So I took it back, they discovered a "loose pipe". This seems to have resolved the hard starts.

After this, the car was still running like crap. Fuel econ was still low 17's.

So I take it back. They discover logged errors at the wastegate solenoid causing overboost. They contact FoMoCo and are told that the car needs a PCU flash... which is "weeks" away. In the meantime they have "bypassed the wastegate solenoid" and give the car back to me.

It's still running like crap. Now fuel economy (another term used loosley) is at 18.3L/100k. How hum. I take a corner in the back streets, as I drive out, the car lags and at times, runs rough. At other times, usually on a cold start, even after a 1-2min idle warm up, the car starts to cough and shudder (no backfiring) - running seemingly on 4 cyls until I pull over, stop the engine and then immediately restart it - which corrects the problem.

And all this since they did the 15k service.... which included cleaning the throttle body. FFS. :spoton:

I see other people complaining here about similar symptoms. What's the new rom flash going to do? As far as I'm concerned this is a problem that has occurred since they did the 15k.

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I pull over, stop the engine and then immediately restart it - which corrects the problem.

Ahh! See! There's nothing a good ol' CTRL-ALT-DEL won't fix!!

Sounds like you're having a bugger of a time, Scootre. No idea about the ROM flash. Sorry I can't help you there.

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I had the ECU flashed a couple of weeks ago during the last service. The only difference I have noticed is now the transmission shifts a bit better when cold. Fuel economy or performance has not changed.

Edited by rex13bt
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I would open your bonnet and check the turbo hoses. Grab each one near the hose clamp and give it a wiggle, it sounds like a air leak to me as this would cause rough idling and excess fule usage. I had a similar problem and my service dept tell me they had pressure tested my inlet manifold and could not find the problem, I open the bonnet and find the PCV hose unplugged :spoton:

It is best to have a good look at anything that does not look right, I would be suprised if the PCM upgrade was the cause....because if it is I would demand they roll you back to the previous version of the PCM firmware that was not buggy.

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I would open your bonnet and check the turbo hoses. Grab each one near the hose clamp and give it a wiggle, it sounds like a air leak to me as this would cause rough idling and excess fule usage. I had a similar problem and my service dept tell me they had pressure tested my inlet manifold and could not find the problem, I open the bonnet and find the PCV hose unplugged :ermm:

Are there actually any mechanics working at dealers these days or just computer jockeys? :ermm: It seems if the computer can't diagnose a fault they just give up and it's up to laypeople like ourselves with a bit of common sense to diagnose and fix faults ourselves. :spoton:

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I had the ECU flashed a couple of weeks ago during the last service. The only difference I have noticed is now the transmission shifts a bit better when cold. Fuel economy or performance has not changed.

I have mine Flashed and I feel the car is not as "peaky" as it was before the flash.

Do you guys know or can you ask what Firmware you car has before they flash it and what version of Frimware they are going to flash into the PCU (PCM Whatever they call it) ?

I have my own dark thoughts as to what Ford are upto....

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