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[Problem] in my engine bay...


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Hi guys...

I have got a little problem with my car...or at least I think its a problem... :idunno: I bought it brand new and its a Turbo :kissmy:...Im not to technicall so bear with me. As we all know there is a cam belt in every car (duhh :lol: ) and it goes around the engine doing its thing, but with mine I have noticed something very odd. Im not to sure which pully it is but it seems to be "Grating" the rubber off the belt...I have noticed that theres a heap of rubber all over the front of the engine, all over the part and has a weird smell.... :w00t2:...Now im not to sure if this is normal or not but I will welcome any thoughts...


p.s - I will take afew pic's for "you'll" to see...maybe tomorrow...

p.p.s - I just went and cranked her over and this pully actually moves a little...seems to be like holding it in place one...or whatever... :lol:

Edited by FPVPSI
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Common problem mate...called a serpentine belt...get your dealer to replace it :idunno:

Do you know the reson for this...seems weird that it would happen to such a new car...oohh and thanks for the info... :kissmy:

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Think it has something to do with the pulleys not being lined up properly....mine was fine until I had the o-ring replaced and then shat itself...didn't trust the schoolkids at Ford to fix it so I had my tuner replace it...$37

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The belt your are talking about isn't actually the cam belt and it's not a serpintine belt either. The cams are run off a chain drive which is hidden by covers on the front of the motor. The belt I think your refering to is just the auxilaries belt which runs the alternator, water pump, power steer etc. Don't be too concerned about the rubber shavings because most BA's I've seen do it but get the guys in your service department to check it anyway.

Hope this helps. Don't mean to sound like a know it all.

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WELL ,what is the serpentine belt if its not the auxiliriers belt,,,one in the same I thought :crybaby:


or is that something Kenny and voy have got a use for :kissmy::blush:

sounds a bit that way...snake...belt :nono:

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