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300 kmph


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  • Artificially Aspirated
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anyone heard of a concept bike called the dodge tomahawk with a v10 6 litre I think, it had a theoretical top whack of over 550 kmh :spoton:

Yeah I seen that, it also had like two front wheels or something and wasnt actually driveable, it was basically a dodge viper in a motorbike. A viper has a theoretical top speed of about that also.


Yes, Viper V10 into a motorcycle, and it is ridable... I watched a thing on TV about it and they had someone riding it, however, they didnt go too fast, but boy did it accelerate.

Also there is a company over here now that is going to be producting the tomahawk for the public, cant remember the price, but it was getting close to mid 6 figure US$

Edited by eatV8
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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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Somone actually rode that thing, I read in wheels/motor that is wasnt rideable, maybe it meant that dodge wouldnt let it be ridden.


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I have a video of a turbo Hayabusa that does about 240mph counting off the tacho (as it stops at 220mph) so about 385km/h... Also that's top whack! 11,000 rpm in 6th... so your friends 450km/h is :msm:

I don't believe it would be that hard...I've seen a few turboed bikes and when they hit rev-limit in top they're accelerating pretty damn hard, so smaller rear sproket and a way we go...

but 450km/h on a road, I highly doubt...very possible on a salt flat though :w00t2:


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  • Artificially Aspirated
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I have a video of a turbo Hayabusa that does about 240mph counting off the tacho (as it stops at 220mph) so about 385km/h... Also that's top whack! 11,000 rpm in 6th... so your friends 450km/h is  :pooh:

I don't believe it would be that hard...I've seen a few turboed bikes and when they hit rev-limit in top they're accelerating pretty damn hard, so smaller rear sproket and a way we go...

but 450km/h on a road, I highly doubt...very possible on a salt flat though :spoton:


I have no doubt some of the turbo'd Busa's and other bikes with smaller cog swap will hit much higher speed, but on a street riden bike...

Salt flat or something of the like would be recommended for high speeds like it :w00t2:

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  • 2 years later...
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The clip mentioned of the turbo 'busa sending the needle off the dial is probably from 'Ghost Rider goes crazy in Europe', an entertaining collection of street footage. Some clips here: http://ghostrider.blog.mongenie.com/

If you're talking about real speed though, Bonneville speed week has just finished. Check some of the records - 330mph!


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  • 9 years later...

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