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Standard Brakes


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  chrislak said:
Just got off the phone with my service manager, he advises that the brake issues will be addressed by Ford and I should be receiving a letter from Ford in the mail shortly. Who knows what this letter is going to say or if in fact it is true that Ford are going to do something about it.

I'd be interested to hear what they have to say in this letter..

Did you ask them what the purpose of the letter was?

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Assuming Ford have acknowledged a problem with the brakes (and from what I read here, I assume there is a good chance there is a problem) then I'll stand on my soapbox again.

With all the rigourous testing these cars were put through prior to release, how is it that something like early brake shudder slips through? I work in an environment where products require testing before market release so I'm well aware of how things like this can occur but I can't help feeling like this is one issue that surely would have raised its head during durability tests. There have been far too many instances of this on this board alone....

My car is being built next month so it's something I will definitely follow closely.

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Are the premium brakes worth the $3000 price tag? What sort of aftermarket system can be bought for this kind of money? Would three grand buy a better system aftermarket than the Ford Premium brakes? Anyone have any experience or ideas?

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Go the premium save your self the hassles, if you drive like a granny get the standard package if not go the premiums, trust me you'll be at the dealers every week with the standard brakes.

I hate my brakes, great car, I hate my brakes :tears:

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Straight from the dealers mouth - you can buy a hell of a lot of brakes for $3000 compared to the premium brake option.

IMO, unless you're visiting the track or take many extended drives down winding roads at 100km/h, do not fork out the extra 3G simply because you don't want the brake problem had by so many here. Ford are aware of the problems and you can be sure a fix is close. It's becoming too big an issue for them to ignore.

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I do a lot of hard driving through the mountains and although my AU had slotted rotors and Performax pads, the brakes used to fade heaps, and get noisy, and sometimes stink. So I will be needing bigger than standard brakes. What I am interested in is if the premiums are actually value for money, or if something bigger and better can be bought aftermarket for the same dollars? And if so...what?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Had my front brakes looked at today, the service manager said something about machining the hub to make sure something is straight, I honestly dont really have any idea what he was going on about, he also said they machined the disc and that was the only way to fix. If they fit a new rotors the problem is meant to come back.

I thought I'll let them do what they said and see how we go, next time I'll demand for new discs.

Anyway what ever they did today seems ok, the pedal feels like there is more grab now.

Only time will tell.

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Man this brake thing seems to be a real problem. I've had my car for 4500km now and not a shudder. Living in NZ we have some pretty shiite roads. I have pushed this car over some very hilly roads, tight twisty requiring some real brake work. Yes they do fade but I've never had a shudder. I had big probs with my EF XR6 in the brake department so I was weary when I heard rumors or BA brake probs. I therefore hammered the crap outta my brakes when I first got the car. Heated them right up till basically they wouldn't work anymore. Now they work great, givin they are not a performance package but work well none the less. I can see the merits in the upgrade but only if you will use the car on a track day. This is just my 2 cents worth.

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