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Standard Brakes


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Guest dbasteve
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Don't forget that those if those AP's are racing calipers they dont come with piston seals and need to be cleaned out periodically. I'm sure they have a road caliper equivalent though.

There's been alot of talk about rotor probs but now there seems to be issues with the caliper - what's wrong with them? They look very similar to the twin piston sliders used on std VT VX VY Commodores. Alot of guys use these at the track (with 296mm rotors) on early commodores with really good pads with great results. Using a race type pad makes a massive difference and unless you are regularly competing on the track big brakes are a waste of time. It's not like they will save your life where the std one's wouldn't.

Get some DBA slotted rotors with good pads and you'll be laughing. I can't believe these calipers would be flexing much plus there's no knock off as you will get with four spots.

Ford should be supplying us with these new DBA rotors - do a deal with Ford DBA Steve - NOW!!!!!!!

You can buy AP's with a road seal like the CP5570 804 S4. The S4 has an extra seal but its not a dust boot like in the Brembo F40/F50's.

The BA caliper looks very similar to the C5 Corvette caliper with the long pads and rigid body. As Mr Walker says; With a good rotor and quality pad you'll be laughing unless you are going on the track or towing a heavy load where the extra torque and heat capacity is required.

Although this issue is a pain in the butt at the moment I think you can count on an acceptable solution without spending a lot of money soon.

Maybe Ford will use our discs until the dust settles. We'll see!

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Guest dbasteve
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dbasteve, Can you recommend a brake shop in Sydney.

Race Brakes PH 9609 1101

Specialised brake and clutch PH 9673 0988

These guys are out west. Wetherill Park and St Marys

If that is too far away let me know roughly where you are.


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This is good,we got people from the industry working with us so soon!We have brakes.

Do I hear Exhaust,Wheel and Tyre,Suspension.......

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Guest falchoon58
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sorry guy but I've read that article and there is no mention of premium brakes....I think you'll find they are the standard package....


Just to clear up some issues concernind the standard brake package on the turbo. My turbo's on its 5th set or rotors under warranty. I drive in sydney paek-hour 5 days a week. You raelly don't get ANY opportunity to give the brakes a "hard time", so the brake problem is pretty extreme for a car of the turbo's performance. Switch backs, like going around a round-about has caused "pad knock-back" which allows the brake pedal to drop and in one particular occasion to the floor, before I could pump the pedal up again. The is no lose of fluid and the pedal is fine after that. Pad knock-back to a smaller degree is often present. Ford are apparently working on a solution. The easiest solution is obvoiusly the Premium brakes, but it seems that other BA Falcons are also starting to suffer the same brale "shudder" condition. Its a big waoory and I reckon if tou can cancel your order or re-order a turbo with the Premium brakes, it'll save you an awful lot of hassle.stress.

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falchoon 58, dont stress out too much, another VB will help. Ive got premium brakes and at 2500k they are starting to make funny noises .Looking at the rear discs is enough to make you (herk) or I want my money back. What box have you got .Ive got auto and use the SSS engine brake mode. Hate the auto only.

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Guest dbasteve
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I live my towards the city, though I dont mind going for a drive if these guys are good. Oh by the way what's a good set of after market pads?

I'm told that Jim at Jay-Ess Auto is very good. They are at Matraville PH9316 6551.

As far as pads are concerned; Bendix and Ferodo were left out of the loop on development of this BA setup and are trying to get pads made at the moment. Bendix will have the normal range of Ultimates, Performax, ect and Ferodo will be releasing the new Performance Ferodo which is an old DS2000 racing formula.

Bendix have quoted June and I expect a similar time from Ferodo.

I hope this helps!

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Just got off the phone with my service manager, he advises that the brake issues will be addressed by Ford and I should be receiving a letter from Ford in the mail shortly. Who knows what this letter is going to say or if in fact it is true that Ford are going to do something about it.

All I can recommend is for everyone having braking problems, keep on complaining to your dealer so hopefully a factory recall is made.

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