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My stage one is complete 358.9rwkw

Guest xrtwpn

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Guest xrtwpn
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I know you havent been down the strip yet, but do you know what sort of time you would get (approx.) for 0 - 100kmph?

do you think it would be below 5 secs?

wheel spin would stop a fast 0-100

but going off power figures and compair to what I have driven in the past I think the car with slicks on it could run a mid 11 say 11.5 120mph+

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Guest xrtwpn
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Excellent power without high boost, and relatively unstressed in the mid-range.

Wouldnt you say that the stress on the motor in terms of running boost is better placed at lower RPM? His graph shows differently to all others I have seen.

Obviously the Nizpro plenum & IC etc work very well.

No doubt but you could see similar products from other developers delivering excellent power on low boost too :blink:

power breaks nothing torque breaks it they backs the boost off mid range to save the engine

Other companies do make similar things , but someone couldnt pay me to use aps after there rude up them selves aditude on the phone

If you look at there products everything is half ass'd

example look at there plemium camber another set of injector on it cause unichip cant handle bigger injectors

you couldnt pay me to use there products

this is my opinion

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power breaks nothing torque breaks it they backs the boost off mid range to save the engine

Yes, but wouldn't winding up the boost in the high rpm have the same effect??

If you look at there products everything is half ass'd

example look at there plemium camber another set of injector on it cause unichip cant handle bigger injectors

This is a problem I understand that affects XEDE as well, hence the reason why Nizpro use Motec for their 1000hp engine??

Calling Aps gear half arsed is out of line IMO. Plenty of cars are out there running high power levels without any problems using aps gear, as are others with nizpro.

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Yes, but wouldn't winding up the boost in the high rpm have the same effect??

No. The lack of boost in the mid range won't hit it so hard.

....hence the reason why Nizpro use Motec for their 1000hp engine??

What gave you that idea? Nizpro first developed their COBRA kit using the Motec, then went after a more affordable solution for the masses and chose the XEDE. Nizpro have used Motec for many years, and are a Motec distributor, and wouldn't consider anything but the best ecu for a big horsepower motor.


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MoTeC is king! Easily one of, if not "the" best standalone computer availible to the general public. Expessially when the $ is considered.

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No. The lack of boost in the mid range won't hit it so hard.

Won't hit what so hard? I understand that high boost at high revs is harder on the engine internals than at low revs, which would account for why in most tunes the boost is leaned back in high rpm, not increased as in this case.

What gave you that idea?

I had been told that like the unichip the XEDE doesn't drive large enough injectors to power a 1000hp engine..

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Of course “high boost at high revs is harder on the engine internals than at low revs”. That is stating the obvious and misconstruing the issue, and not what we have been arguing.

You put far more stress on components if you apply a lot of boost in a narrow rev band, and where you apply a huge amount of extra torque very quickly. In my car that happens between 2500 & 3500 revs. In Adams car it is tuned to not hit so hard in that mid range, but have a more progressive power delivery. The maximum boost is reached then tapers off quickly, rather than being held at that level for long.

It could have been tuned to give it far more torque in the mid-range, and as a first tune it is configured not to hit it so hard.

True about injectors, but there are many other more compelling reasons for using a Motec.


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Well im just trying to get a better understanding of what these engines are capable of with the standard components. He is running near 16lb boost at 5000rpm which from what I can understand seems quite high for an unmodified engine.

If not though, then all the better.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about what these engines can do with standard internals. Some say 330rwkw, some say less. A few engines have blown but this may be the result of poor tuning and components which may have been an issue with the tuner and/or the owner of the cars. I'm retuning my car shortly to see what extra power I can get from it.

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If you look at there products everything is half ass'd

example look at there plemium camber another set of injector on it cause unichip cant handle bigger injectors

you couldnt pay me to use there products

this is my opinion

Nice comment very productive to the conversation, as I am one of the people with the half assed products on my car I dont see how your car is producing any better results than the half assed stuff from aps...mines only on 14.5psi and easly makes 341 with a very conservative tune and standard ford manifold.It was running similar boost to yours and making more power but I had it turned down as my engine internals are still standard.

Also your comments about running staged injectors is not really correct, if you run a very large injector it wont have the sort of control at small duty cycles as a smaller injector , therefore staged injectors will give you good clean emmisions and standard car drivabilty at low power levels, this may not be important to some people but there is a reason for it and its got nothing to do with your "half assed" theory.

that's just my oppinion and I put it foward with out bagging other products used by

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