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Year 12 Muckup


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Get naked, apply copious amounts of baby oil to each other, consume mind-altering drugs, kidnap someone's four-legged mascot and bonk til ya nether regions are red and inflamed ... ;):thumbsup:

... oh, sorry, my bad :k24t: ... your said year 12 muck-up, not Team HgAg meeting ... sorry ...


Still like the idea though Kenny! :blush: Least the girls will remember their last day.......

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Your school had a pool?!?!??!?! :nod:

Nice ideas so far, keep em coming

Yeah, was'nt bad at all, all those lovely 17 year old girls in bathers :thumbsup:

The idea was great, red pool, then someone got very drunk and :nod: in it, then it was'nt such a good idea..................

If you do not mind a bit of damage, glue the teachers desk draws and chair together in each classroom.

Lock down the canteen, by padlocking the existing locks for the day.

Let the lab rats out of their cages, all 310 of them through the school...

Boys dress up as the girls, girls in boys uniforms...

Sacrificial Virgin to be strapped to some wall or eqipment for the day... Normally one of the good looking girls from the year below who everyone wanted to Shag.

Order a dozen Pizzas to the teachers lounge

That's about it for Legal stuff, if you want to walk in the valley of darkness, let me know.......................... :k24t:

It's amazing all that therapy, yet the ideas still come back so easily.... :blush:

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I just found out:

- The school will only give us the oval to play on


- They beef up security patrols the night before

GRRR, damn people who wrecked it before us. ANYWAY here is a list I have found from 2 hours of searching

- Talcom Powder on ceiling fans

- cops head on a stake

- Leave turds in the toilets

- Turn classroms back to front

- Jumping castle

- Wading pool full of Carp

- Put a murder site mark on the ground

- Tape recorder in locker, screaming to get out

- fart bombs

- put fish paste, maggots, prawns where they wont be found

- Milk in a srapy bottle, spray around and stink

- Vaselene toilet seats

- Glad wrap on toilet seats

- Fake parking tickets

- Tie rope from one class door to another

- Fake blood in the urinals (girls and boys)

- Itching power on the toilet seats

Some camoflage may com in handy in the next few weeks :w00t2:

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  • Member For: 21y 3m 8d
  • Location: Eastern Suburbs of Mexico
I just found out:

- The school will only give us the oval to play on


- They beef up security patrols the night before

GRRR, damn people who wrecked it before us. ANYWAY here is a list I have found from 2 hours of searching

- Talcom Powder on ceiling fans

- cops head on a stake

- Leave turds in the toilets

- Turn classroms back to front

- Jumping castle

- Wading pool full of Carp

- Put a murder site mark on the ground

- Tape recorder in locker, screaming to get out

- fart bombs

- put fish paste, maggots, prawns where they wont be found

- Milk in a srapy bottle, spray around and stink

- Vaselene toilet seats

- Glad wrap on toilet seats

- Fake parking tickets

- Tie rope from one class door to another

- Fake blood in the urinals (girls and boys)

- Itching power on the toilet seats

Some camoflage may com in handy in the next few weeks :w00t2:

Ahh music to my ears.............................

Those were the days....

If they beef up security patrols, ever thought of targeting the secruity's patrol car whilst he is on foot patrol?????? :w00t2:

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We went and borrowed several (ie more than 10) roadwork flashing lights, roadwork signs etc, and blocked off the carpark.

We also borrowed some For Sale signs, and tried to get Stirling College listed with our local real estate agent....

We borrowed a local "Full Driveway Service" sign from a servo (it was a big b@stard, needed a car trailer to move it), and put it up at the entrance of the carpark, that looked good! We also did some other things involving oil and rear wheel drive cars, but that's naughty, so we wont go into that.....

TIP: if a egg fight starts (it usually always does), move all cars that have nice paint, because eggs wil soon wreck the paintwork!

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When I was in year 11 the year 12's of that year stuffed muck up day up for us because they went too far (according to the Principal anyway), well maybe not that far after reading some of the idea's above.

But Anyway they rocked up at the School at about 1 am the morning before muck up day, armed with a caulking gun & a carton of liquid nail canisters, and procedded to fill up every lock in the school they could find with liquid nails!! they got more than half the school done before they were disturbed!! ( And it was a pretty big school!)

I remember rocking up to school that day to see a fleet of locksmiths in the car park, most of those locksmiths spend a good couple of days fixing them all.

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  • Member For: 21y 9m 10d
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We actually get our own 'muck up' assembly. Its where everyone calls us losers and we have to put up with the yr12 sissies talking about how they stole some gravel from the school carpark.

Keep the ideas coming

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