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Year 12 Muckup


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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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You obviously did'nt go to my school then! :crybaby:

Ahhhh, but were ye' wearning ya kilts there laddies?and sitting on the bonnet of some tightarse teachers car cos he wouldn't pay a toll to help the kiddies ward yelling "im the king of the world' Titanic Styles? :gooff:

If so...Then ya got me f*cked :lol:

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This is such an entertaining thread...please guys keep posting...my muck up day is like 4 weeks away ...woohoo....I have picked up afew interesting idea's from this and slightly modded them... :gooff: I will post a list of the things I intend to do soon... :crybaby:

-p.s- oohh this is my brothers account, he hasnt used it in a while so I thought I post abit... :lol:

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  • Umm...
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PLEASE post the list soon FPVPSI, I need at least 36 hours of mayhem.

We have found a massive bit of platic that we are gonna slide down into some wading pools...and chuck Carp or stinky mud in there to gross everyone out.

Anyone know how much a Jumping Castle is? We are allowed to have one! WOO HOOO

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  • 1 month later...
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I know this is an old topic, but my muck up days in 2 days, and I have complied a list of stupid things to do...

-Goats in lift, send them to top floor (were getting 2)

-Cuz's 10 cubic meter tipper...Dump top soil on the entrance.... :lol:

-Glad wrap the dunnies

-Off milk midden in the copier in the libary...that's gonna stink today...been in there since last friday... :shifty:

-cant go past the fish guts...there going in the air vents...

And best till last...Since we have a master key of the upstaris rooms, we have come up with a rather funny idea...As we all know libary books are in shelfs and all the shelfs line up...So we (Just Jared.. :lol: ) plan to run through the back door and give it a big shove...hopefully knocking all the shelfs down in the process...I will post with updates of the day...

-FPVPSI's brother... :shifty:

p.s- please dont get upset with my ideas, I just wanna have a laugh...and noone will get hurt...

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  • Flaccid Member
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Last hangliding comp I was at we let off some stench gas (used to notify underground miners of a fire, so they can evacuate) In front of one of the opposing teams houses. It smells like the stuff they put in propoane, to make it stink, anyways, we had a 1 ltr bottle of it and I er...we only let a small amount out. Stunk the whole town out. The poor cops had to come in at 2 am and drive around looking for the "gas leak" Lucky he had a sense of humor and came and saw us in the pub the following night.

(Two days later there was still an Alinta Gas dude running around the pipeline looking for leaks)

We won the shenanigan's award that year. (and every year since)

See if you can get some Liquid polymer, also called drilling mud, its non toxic, harmless and odourless, a very very tiny amount can turn a very large quantity of water very very slimy. It's great in swimming pools ect. You can't wash it off, the more water you use, the slimier it gets. One favorite on minestites is to put it in shampoo bottles if people are flogging your shampoo, the only way to get it out is to shave your hair off, (or rinse for 6 hours....) Westernex, prospector's supplies or Geminex should be able to fix you up with some, just don't tell 'em what you want it for!

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  • Umm...
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We had out muckup AGES ago, ACTUALLY, I just walked out of my first HSC exam..ACED IT

They are mad ideas but!

I still cant believe your school has a lift, if you came to our school you would be like WTF...where are the facilities :censored:

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grease up the flagpole rope

get chalk and rub it into the doorlocks of the staffrooms

chain all the main entrance gates up with extra huge chain

jack up principles car and put some blocks of wood under his diff, so his tyres are like 5mm off the ground. (watch him leave that arvo)

lift a teaches car between 2 trees/poles.

put bins on the footy goal posts (that's muck-up #1 TO-DO thing)

as above but with shopping trolley :)

dead shrimp or carp in school lockers

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  • 3 months later...
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for our year 12 muckup we bricked up the teachers common room door (at 7pm the night before so it would harden), looked funny as hell but was rather easy to demolish, we had a stern warning that muckup day would not be tollerated, but even the principal laughed at this because it looked funny without costing anything to fix... makes glueing the lock look like kids play

There was also the girls school down the road.... all gates to the school were locked, it took a gas torch to open the school up and let all the girls in very funny... but it has to be co-ordinated and executed just before school starts, we used a couple of D style bike locks

blow up dolls and toilet paper are good laughs during any assemblies over the day that you might have.

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This thread is a blast from the past!

We carried teachers cars around. A couple of teachers had very small cars, the smallest being one of those silly little Honda Cabriot things from the late 80s/early 90s (I think?). 8 of us Carried it around the front of the school and over the road and put it in the middle of a football oval. That was about as exciting as it got.

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