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True Reason For Delay

Guest SIK_XE

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I was told 16th November then only yesterday told more likely it will be the 22nd of November or even a bit later. To me it doesnt matter that much as ill be on holidays. Ive heard from the Stock Controller at Ford that FOMOCO were adjusting machinery or fixing some things at the plant which has caused delays (they were closed for a week) I have no idea though how true this is.

But to this day I have not seen one on the road yet. Only one white XR which belongs to City Ford.

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Guest DZ.
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they've already sold out the next 3 months of production they're not even available to dealers to use as demo's until early January

I have to wait until January for a test drive?!?! :wub:

I was told same by Strapp in Doncaster. No demo Turbo's till at least Jan '03 :( Apparently a lot of sales are hinging on a test drive once delivered! Can't imagine anyone not liking it though

It's more an issue of deciding whether I want a manual or auto more than anything else.

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Guest SIK_XE
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I was told 16th November then only yesterday told more likely it will be the 22nd of November or even a bit later. To me it doesnt matter that much as ill be on holidays. Ive heard from the Stock Controller at Ford that FOMOCO were adjusting machinery or fixing some things at the plant which has caused delays (they were closed for a week) I have no idea though how true this is.

But to this day I have not seen one on the road yet. Only one white XR which belongs to City Ford.

the thing with the fixing of the machinery is true. there is a spot weld just in front of the fuel tank and it is rubbing the tank and wearing it out very bad. and the other thing is, there is a clip missing on the right hand side driveshaft which can be fatal. when they fire the moron that wasn't doing his job properly and get back to production you'll start seeing them on the road (with the clip thing its the same as when ford first changed from metal to plastic petrol tanks, someone didn't put the earth clip on the neck of the tank and because of the movement of the fuel caused static to build up in the tank and after a while driving u go to fill up and when doing so u earth out the tank and... BANG she go sky high, what I'm getting at is, they can't afford to let this happen again so they are taking there time and getting it right first time)

sorry for the length but thanx for reading if you did


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