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APS and legalities


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Guest Lara
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The response of some people in here with regards to those videos has been appalling.

The say young people are a danger to the road, well after watching the videos the driver of that car was far from young; in fact he looks old enough to have more sense.

However had it been a young person, they would have been bagged and called irresponsible. It is difficult to believe that a company would perform such a childish act and then place it on the internet for all to see.

The fact remains the same, what was done was illegal. It did endanger lives of innocent people. It can be talked up and made out to be so great, wow a guy did illegal speeds on a public road, breaking road rules and because there was no police car there it was alright.

That’s how accidents happen, people blatantly having no respect for the road rules and thinking they are above the law.

I am not using this as a way to put down aps in anyway, I would have the same response no matter what fool did it.

I just hope when someone goes and does the same thing and if they are not as lucky as aps were on that day and kill innocent people, that you are all as supportive of them.

Don’t kid yourselves it was a foolish thing to do on a public road end of story.

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was it APS staff or was it the owner? I wonder, if the latter, I have no prob with it as I am pretty sure we have all been there.

Look Closely enough and you will find that it is Peter who is actually driving the car! :flirt:

That 350Z was in the showroom on the APS open day, roped off of course! :lol:

I indicated the driver was Peter not to put a negative taint on his actions, but rather acknowledge that I know for a fact he is quite a competent driver to the point of being professional. For those who are unaware, he is as well known in the industry for his business as he is his driving experitise.

At the end of the day I would rather be in a car with him than any other Jo Bloggs who reckon's he's the next mark skaife, on or off the track. :tonguepoke:

Personally I think there is a time and a place, and anyone who owns a T and thinks that they have never exceeded the speed limit is fooling themselves as much as anyone else. :w00t2:

People also forget that it's not always speed that causes accidents, poor driving skills and poor car control are also common factors.........

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Maybe so ducatijb, but it takes one mistake to kill someone and doing those speeds on a public road, disobeying all the road rules, with innocent people using the roads is craziness.

Some people think they are above the law.

HEY Lara

QUETION: Do you drive to the speed limit in the right hand lane or the left hand lane?

ANSWER: I bet you are on who drives in the right......WRONG

SO Lara I suggest you attack the state of all drivers instead of people Like Peter in the VIDEO, who can at least drive the car understanding all its limitations and understands how to drive it.

I mean sh*t I am being called dangerous by insurance companies coz 4 months ago I was under 25, and look at all the fools who don't speed and think they aren't putting people in danger WRONG they are creating even more risk. I say great videos, and good to see they took the machine out into the country.

OH see that family of sheep walking to the shop , they stop and say BAAH BAAAAHH, should have been a FORD

....I BAAHH BAAH think it was daddy sheep, only baah baah FORDS go that fast, except our Truck going to the Kebab Shop :tonguepoke::w00t2:

Edited by ducatijb
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Thought I'd join in.

Agree with various points on both sides.

Not really committed to a concrete point either way except for the observation that in times of high excitement and emotion....,

Interlect and intelligence sometimes seems to dissapear.

So.... :yay::w00t2::w00t2::w00t2::tonguepoke::flirt::boff::drunk: etc...

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Guest Lara
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HEY Lara

QUETION: Do you drive to the speed limit in the right hand lane or the left hand lane?

ANSWER: I bet you are on who drives in the right......WRONG

SO Lara I suggest you attack the state of all drivers instead of people Like Peter in the VIDEO, who can at least drive the car understanding all its limitations and understands how to drive it.

I mean sh*t I am being called dangerous by insurance companies coz 4 months ago I was under 25, and look at all the fools who don't speed and think they aren't putting people in danger WRONG they are creating even more risk. I say great videos, and good to see they took the machine out into the country.

OH see that family of sheep walking to the shop , they stop and say BAAH BAAAAHH, should have been a FORD

....I BAAHH BAAH think it was daddy sheep, only baah baah FORDS go that fast, except our Truck going to the Kebab Shop :tonguepoke:  :w00t2:

HEY sbr79

Not a lot of what you said makes any sense.

“SO Lara I suggest you attack the state of all drivers instead of people Like Peter in the VIDEO, who can at least drive the car understanding all its limitations and understands how to drive it.”

If those tools had a video of them driving illegally, I would do just that.

I was not talking about every fool on the road, just the one in the video.

Maybe the driver of the aps car can drive better than Ambrose or Skaife, the fact still remains the same, and it’s illegal and very stupid. There is a place for that, take it to the track.

I have seen this company constantly enforces the importance of keeping your car legal.

So the moral is keeping it legal but drive like a fool!

He was breaking the law, simple. It simply makes the company look like hypocrites and show they do think they are above the law.

Edited by ducatijb
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Anyway, in a perfect world that all the Doo Gooders would have us all driving Daewoo Matiz's wrapped in cotton wool. :tonguepoke:

Seriously this world is going mad, everything cannot be and will not be perfect, I agreewith both sides on this, but it's been done, nothing happened, it's a great promotional tool and people will contiue to speed, kill each other, die from overdoses and so on, it's called life and every individual has one thing they can control, choice.............................. :w00t2:

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Maybe so ducatijb, but it takes one mistake to kill someone and doing those speeds on a public road, disobeying all the road rules, with innocent people using the roads is craziness.

Some people think they are above the law.

HEY Lara

QUETION: Do you drive to the speed limit in the right hand lane or the left hand lane?

ANSWER: I bet you are on who drives in the right......WRONG

KEEP LEFT UNLESS overtaking... sh*t come to my part of Brisbane where the ASIAN drivers are a hell of alot worse then anyone speeding (I wish I had their wallets so I can be above the law).But lara you ain't going to attack them or the police for not stopping them are you. for example: They hit the breaks doing 30km/hr in 100km zones for no reason. They pull out in front of oncoming traffic and reverse into people in shopping centre car parks ( I have seen this many times). One lady needed an ambulance.

SO Lara I suggest you attack the state of all drivers instead of people Like Peter in the VIDEO, who can at least drive the car understanding all its limitations and understands how to drive it.


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