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APS and legalities


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Alot of you show maturity for 40 - 50 year olds.

I agree with Elvis, how about one of you performance monkeys go lose a loved one coz of some cockspank in a high performance car that doesn't understand what road rules are for, theres mention of it nearly every week in the media where some poor innocent person loses there life. Theres an ariticle I read just the other day that spoke about a 19 year old girl who got run over on her 19th birthday, she was killed due to some fags having a drag down some road, now wheres the performance in that Mr APS?

Yes we all buy performance cars to use them, but there are places and times to do so, which was not reflected in any of the vids. Call me a tosser or whatever you want, the fact is that people are being killed by this stupid behaviour, if you can't help yourself and have the urge to do so, then maybe you guys should be looking for much less powerful vehicles, maybe a Fiesta is just what the doctored ordered.

Sounds good coming from a bloke telling us all in MSN one night how him and his mates were into street racing several months back. I think you were going by the name of AUIIIXR6VCT then though.

Nah I think it was you that was the one carrying about how quick you were and about how sh*t AU's were actually.

Street Racing - Not my scene buddy!

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Well I am sorry to say Peter that after reading this thread that you are responsible for anyone that gets behind the wheel of a car and breaks a road law from now on.

I have heard other rumors about you too.

Were you in Dallas at the time of the Kennedy assassination?

What do you know about Harold Holt's disappearance?

Did you modify the fuel system on Apollo 13?

Is it true that you installed a Unichip on the Titanic?

Did you modify the turbos of Payne Stewarts aircraft?

Did you cause the Challenger to explode?

Did Hitler invade France in an APS modified Tank? (Above the speed limit!)

Did you sabotage the BETA MAX video platform?

Now own up Peter we all know you did it and that you have secret video footage of you doing it. :blush:

This place is out of control :pinch:

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  • ASHA - Anti Stooge Hunter Association
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Seriously, half the stuff being thrown here is bullsh*t and it sounds like some of you guys are "YET AGAIN" trying to discredit APS just for the hell of it. I think its pathetic that until yesterday most of you guys where praising APS as if they where some sort of gods, and now, you bag them on every possible oportunity, even after all they have done for the ford/performance community. Sure there may be a few of you that have had sour experiances, but like with everything else, the majority of people who have dealt with APS and their products are happy with the work.

As far as the video clips are concerned, you have joined a Performance forum, and most of you drive Performance cars.......deal with it. End of the day, an in-experianced driver doing 10 - 15 km over the limit is more of a hazard to your safety and life then an experianced driver doing 30 - 40 km over the limit. And besides, none of you here can sit there and tell me that you have never broken a road rule in your life.........and if you do, id say your full of it and just trying to pick a B!TCH fight (PS, no offence intended to any of you ladies that might be reading this)!!!

For all of you that are going to say "yeah but what happens when you loose control of your car at that speed".........well, such is life, what happens if tommorow you cross the road and get hit by a truck, or you go to the bank that happens to get robbed and you get shot.......this is all part of society, life is a risk. If you cant handle it, do us all a favour and lock yourself in a room.

Plonky has mentioned on a number of occasions that it is up to the individual how they drive their cars. I think the whole argument about APS encouraging "unsafe" driving is just crap. Can I turn this argument around and say that ford is promoting unsafe driving because their cars have a speed limiter at 240km....perhaps it should have been at 110 ?? Further more you guys might remember the "They must be stuck in 3rd" commercial, whats that say, that its ok to race ??? I think not!

You guys want Performance parts, APS needs to do the testing and development to give it to you........Perhaps some of you should cut them some slack !!


Dean :pinch:

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Hey Peter,I must say I didnt like your on road antics,any wally can speed on the back roads and make it look good for the camera,is that why you did it? cause you cant measure anything on the road,compared to on a track.

I really think you erred big time with this one

If it was done on a track ,we could of got times,you could have gone sideways,you could have smoked it up left right and centre,we would have been cheering ,but now you look like a d--k,and to make fun of my type,,,,well mate,good luck in your future.

I brought my boys up with gokarts,and speed stays on the track,and that's the way it is for them,to encourage speeding on back roads is wrong ,go to a track...


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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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Didn't download the movies as they were rather...errrrrr....DialUp intensive, but after 7 pages I get the drift of what happened.

I think the biggest bone of contention is WHERE and WHEN is happened, not how or why.

Perhaps a 'Filmed Under Controlled Conditions' notice could've been issued with the movie? If it was? To appease the masses?

IF some of the action happened occured in a populated area I think that would be the root cause of the trouble. Sure you have a performance car and you wish to use it's perforamance at what SOME may consider excessive speed. On YOUR head be it, however,shouldn't the wishes of the onlookers/pedestrians be taken into account.

Im not saying I haven't driven fast, or sideways or a million other things BUT I have made every possible step to ensure nobody else could be injured within reason by my stupid acts. IE-A commando parachutes out of a plane or a professor invents a teleporter and decides to key in Angourie Rd... :errm:

To me it does seem a bit ironic though...On one hand APS appear to push 'legality' in every way as a major selling point for the XR6T kits, but on the other hand uses 'illegal' acts as a mjor selling point on a seperate kit.

What is 'more' illegal? Non ADR compliant emissions (or even Compliant but not engineered emissions) or 'excessive speed' on a public road, overtaking on double lines and the like?

Cheers All,


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  • Team "I don't have no Falcon now"
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And now my two cents worth;

Firstly, you do NOT need a high performance car to have an accident, you can acheive that in a 1886 Daimler, or a 2003 Ferrari Enzo if that's what floats your boat.

Secondly, Just because a driver is driving at the speed limit doesn't mean there is absolutely no way they will ever have an accident. It is that thinking that I have seen or come across talking to people that just makes me shake my head.

To clarify point one I would like to point out that on my local street the last three accidents where the car was undriveable after the event, all involved excessive speed, recently licensed drivers (read under 20y.o.), all had no deaths only injuries to the driver, more importantly a surfeit of braggadocio and bravado, and limited driver abilities, and were all cars considered (by me) to be "non performance" vehicles. VL / Corolla / R31 Pintara (Aus Model)

In my opinion a performance car doesn't consist of a tired old VL Late model camira slammed into the weeds with a few HSV stickers and a big exhaust, nor does it cover Corollas and its ilk with big bodykits and stereos.

On point two, I personally have exceeded the speed limit, and am still living to tell the tale. I have done in excess of the posted speed limit on a National Highway / Freeway where the chance of an oncoming vehicle (on my side of the road) is extremely limited. However, I have also done UNDER the posted speed limit during periods of heavy rain, fog, and the northern Bushfires in NSW.

If anyone thinks (and hopefully Plonky will agree) that sticking wholly to the posted speed limit will keep you safe, then think again.

On the issue of the original posting (Nice post Trumpy :lol: ) the showing of the videos is purely a personal matter, I believe the Advertisement code preventing the broadcasting on TV and Media of a "depiction of dangerous and unsafe driving" has only been applied on a voluntary basis to the Car companies in Australia after some heavy pressure from certain groups of supposed "influence" within the Government. I don't personally agree with the content as shown on the videos, but its still a good show! :-)

In fact after seeing that I think I might pop out drag race my handily available 350Z TT LHD and go for a fang around the block here, and after that I might smoke three hundred packets of ciggies coz I saw an ad for them in an old magazine somewhere, and then have the arduous task of deciding which alcoholic beverage I want to drink because I've seen too many ads for them on TV, and sit down and whinge to Alan Jone or John Laws coz the moral decay in society is far too much to handle any longer............ :lol: :pinch:

2c's paid for and fully receipted! (if that's a word)

If you are unsure check here Macquarie Dictionary



Edited by Familia2XR6T
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  • Bloody Orange Team (BOT)
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This could go on for ever...

Gone are the days when people took responsibility for there own actions... "That video made me do it" type of mentality... what a load of crap.. Don't people have common sense. We're not a bunch of bloody robots... If you speed it's YOU that is responsible for yourself and others around you at the time. It's not someone elses fault... sheesh.


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Well I am sorry to say Peter that after reading this thread that you are responsible for anyone that gets behind the wheel of a car and breaks a road law from now on.

I have heard other rumors about you too.

Were you in Dallas at the time of the Kennedy assassination?

What do you know about Harold Holt's disappearance?

Did you modify the fuel system on Apollo 13?

Is it true that you installed a Unichip on the Titanic?

Did you modify the turbos of Payne Stewarts aircraft?

Did you cause the Challenger to explode?

Did Hitler invade France in an APS modified Tank?

Did you sabotage the BETA MAX video platform?

Now own up Peter we all know you did it and that you have secret video footage of you doing it. :w00t2:

This place is out of control :blush:

Gold Dean GOLD..... :pinch:

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So Peter how does the aps Z compare in the power department compared to the T?  It looks pretty quick .

whens the T video getting released :D


Frank the TT Z is a very fast car (not that I would ever drive it over the speed limit in any event).....though not much point to owning a TT 350 Z as who in their right mind would buy a performance car and then drive it fast ..........that's just being plain silly. :lol:

Now back to your question on the Twin turbo 350 Z......it's mighty quick though really struggles for rear end grip under full throttle and needs to be treated with a good deal of respect............needs bigger rear boots............would give most highly powered T's are real good run for the money (would easily hose most T's that I know of)..............that's on a race track of course. :blush:

Now drive safely and never exceed the posted limit. :pinch:

I would never speed :D , love the sound that Z makes .



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