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Xr6t Speed Limiter

Guest nfhotston

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This is nuts. driving at 200Kmph is a feat many if not nearly all people can perform, given the right attitude, training and knowledge.

I've driven many cars, at well over 200 Kmph, yes on public roads, even in the rain in high traffic, dual carriageway.. Completely safe and legal. Even at night, even, in when it gets a little icey. Not all of these were high powered performance cars, some where dinky little hatchbacks with 1.6L engines, fwd and 185 tyres.

You don't suddenly crash when you hit 180 or such a speed. Your car doesn't just explode and become unresponsive to steering inputs, brake application and throttle control. The basic physics is the same as driving a 60 Kmph, or 20 Kmph. However you have to adjust your actions accordingly, be smoother, be more aware of hazards and potential hazards. You can drive at 200+Kmph for many hours, as safely as any other speed. Infact highspeed driving is more about exposing general bad driving habits than requiring new skills and abilities.

It is safer to do 200 Kmph on some of Australias excellent roads rather than 150Kmph in a derestricted peice of track in the N.T.. FACT! And I think many people are smart enough to realise that.

Oh no Phido, what are you saying? that's impossible. Your mad! Your going to kill everybody here. Your going to kill my kids! You should be in gaol with the murders and other sickophants. Yes yes, I've heard it before.

However with punishment so severe for doing so, I will limit my adventures past the legal speed. However, I find it funny that police officers often tell of there pursuit stories as if they are safely speeding with no one at risk. Just because its currently legal doesn't make it safe (conversely just because its illegal doesn't make it dangerous).

*PLEASE* Police pursuit chases are one of the most dangerous things on the road! With many police and civilans dying each year. Provolking someone to go faster, most likely beyond there own limited driving experience and abilities, possibly while intoxicated is shear madness. Meanwhile the police themselves are a danger, travelling at equally reckless speeds, with limited driving training and experience in a equally normal family sedan weighed down with gear. Add to that the lights and siren effect, which seems to turn normal Australian drivers into idiots who jam on the brakes, move to the right lane, swerve, fail to indicate, drive unbelivably slow, drive through red lights, stop signs etc.. Watch the confusion come over peoples faces!!Its madness! Its like they all become retarded at the same time.

Most cops will readily admit getting a rush, a bit pumped, a bit of a buzz and excited. They are not remaining cool and calm, making clear and safe judgements and from what I have seen, make silly decisions. I think bringing police driving into line with other emergency services like Ambos and fireys would be a good idea, I see no reason why the police should get massive special exceptions in this regard. It certainly doesn't seem to improve response times.

Disabling the speed limiter on the BA falcon should be simular to any other speed limited car, such as a GT-R or M3 or what ever, intercept the signal from the speed sensor in the gearbox, and using a varity of methods change it before it gets to the ECU.

Frequency divider, frequency generator etc. It isn't expensive and you can do it yourself or buy a kit. With a simple frequency divider, you can raise the limiter from 230 to 460Kmph hence not a problem anymore..

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Been lurkin for a while I see. wub.gif to the site.
Man ,what a way to start . Belter of a first post.

Might get a response from some I would imagine. ermm.gif

Anyhow enjoy yourself.

Whats your ride ?


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Disabling the speed limiter on the BA falcon should be simular to any other speed limited car, such as a GT-R or M3 or what ever, intercept the signal from the speed sensor in the gearbox, and using a varity of methods change it before it gets to the ECU.

Frequency divider, frequency generator etc. It isn't expensive and you can do it yourself or buy a kit. With a simple frequency divider, you can raise the limiter from 230 to 460Kmph hence not a problem anymore..

So you obviously know a fair bit about the workings of the BA's. :wub::wub::wub: It's really not that simple.

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  • Mal Wood Automotive
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Disabling the speed limiter on the BA falcon should be simular to any other speed limited car, such as a GT-R or M3 or what ever, intercept the signal from the speed sensor in the gearbox, and using a varity of methods change it before it gets to the ECU.

You'd have a better chance of intercepting the signal from the British "Beagle" on Mars. There IS NO speed sensor in the gearbox, in the V8 or T BA.

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:blink: Phido

Surely your not saying police shouldn't chase lowlifes and crims,imagine the anarchy-I personally believe if you run it should be instant lockup and maybe then the scum might not run but I doubt it

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Phido I sincerely hope your ability to drive endlessly and tirelessly at speeds in excess of 200kph surpasses your knowledge of the speed sensors in a BA ...

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The official words:
Not at present for BA!

Hey Lach, reading between the lines, does that mean that unoffically you are able to "fix" the speed limiter? smilielol.gif

Geea. smilielol.gif
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I have been reading this post with interest and cannot resist adding my 10 cents worth.

At the risk of returning to the original thread, I cant believe that after 4 pages of posts, and the number of techies reading this, that no-one has posted the correct answer regarding a limiter.

The fact as far as I can see is that the car does NOT have a speed limiter. There I've said it.

It does have a REV limiter since this is much easier to program in the ECU, and it is set to 6000rpm. It doesn't matter which gear you are in. At 6000rpm, the engine pulls sparks and reduces power.

As for top speed this is simple maths. As long as you have enough power to push the car through the air, the speed is proportional to the revs in top gear.

A simple test

@ 1500 rpm = 63kph = 252kph @ 6000rpm

@ 2000 rpm = 82kph = 246kph @ 6000rpm

Close enough to see the correlation, and close to quoted figures given that these were speedo readings (using the average speed trip meter)

So any variation in top speeds that people are getting is purely due to final drive ratio (including tyres rolling radius which is affected by tyre pressure), speedometer accuracy etc.

OK, you can all go back to bragging about how fast you have driven along your favourite 'safe' bit of road.

Shoot me down in flames if I have got it wrong.

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