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Xr6t Speed Limiter

Guest nfhotston

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If the ADR actually does allow 10%(and I'm yet to see that in print) on speedos, then why hasnt someone stopped this obvious revenue raising?

Are you people really being booked for 103 in 100 zones?? :banghead:

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I believe that there is a 3kmph margin of error so if your doing 106kmph you will get booked for 103kmph and I think its $165 and 1 point.


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If the ADR actually does allow 10%(and I'm yet to see that in print) on speedos, then why hasnt someone stopped this obvious revenue raising?

Are you people really being booked for 103 in 100 zones?? :hrmm:

I was done twice in 1 week for 103 in a 100 on a freeway at the same spot. :banghead:

(didnt realize till I recieved the fine 2 week's after :blink: ).

Western Ring Road where it join's the Westgate for the Victorian's, all though it was 12 month's ago and I havent seen the RAV there or been done again.

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I know that the top speed of a car is good to talk about. Some of us have been faster than what is set by the limiter on the Turbo (230) and I know for a fact that the Turbo, XR8 and the SS are all quite stable and safe at speeds in excess than the speed that is artificially limited by the ECU.

However, I would certainly have to ask that unless you do these speeds day and and day out, your ambition is going to catch up with your ability.

The reason is that (obviously) everything is happening so much quicker and the faster you go, the faster you have to think and assimilate information and the slower you have to be with your brake/throttle/steering input. Inertia v grip v direction is a recipe of disaster for the unskilled.

I wouldn't encourage trying to see how fast your car would go, especially if you infrequently travel over 180kmh constantly. Even for trained drivers, the amount of concentration required as well as the body's natural tendency for sensory deprivation when you are under great stress (driving fast is stressful if you don't know what you're doing), is enormous. I know that at the end of a 45 minute pursuit at an AVERAGE SPEED OF 180KPH (hitting 245 to 250 on a number of occasions), I was pretty pumped up. Once the adrenalin level reduced it is physically and mentally quite taxing.

This was not on a race track, but on a country single lane highway with all the additional dangers of fenced livestock, traffic coming the other way, ever changing road conditions etc etc

Be confident in the bragging rights that a Turbo or XR8 with no speed limiter will hit speeds higher than the 230kmh artificial limit.

Don't go and try it though unless you get paid to drive cars like that for a living and have had the same sort of intense driver training.

Sorry to be a spoil sport......

The Turbo ute we got the other day at 194km/h should have read this. He cools off for 6 months unfortunately. In a dual lane 80 zone I might add.

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This 3km margin of error is a joke & the Labor Govt have a lot to answer for yet the Libs make alot of noise against but never actually say what they do if they get into power. Its a joke here in Vic. Considering most speedos are not digital readouts and the width of the needle is enough to book you here. My wife tneds to go over 6 km over the limit without looking at her speed in the old EA, so I adjusted the speedo to start at the 8km mark without her knowing. Now I smile when she thinks she speeds. No fines in 5 years!!! but we have the T now ....oh oh....

but this is going off the topic but wanted to share it....

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As I have said in other posts recently, the ADR allows for a manufacturing error of +10% and -0%. This explained is that your speedo is allowed to read 110km/h when your actual speed is 100km/k. Your speedo is not allowed to read 110km/h if your actual speed is 120km/h.


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The Turbo ute we got the other day at 194km/h should have read this. He cools off for 6 months unfortunately. In a dual lane 80 zone I might add.

Only six months?

How big was his fine?

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People are always going to speed no matter what they drive, where they drive or whatever the speed limit is raised/lowered to.

If people want to drive at whatever speed they desire so be it, if you drive really fast with no traffic around and you crash you've hurt no-one but yourself, you knew the risks. It's when these people decide to do it in traffic where their actions could impact on someone else, if something goes wrong you could injure or kill someone else traveling on the same road and that's just being irresponsible.

How off topic has this thread gone! :thumbsup:

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well yes, it is off topic,
Has anyone (besides APS) got a T with the limiter removed?
Can anyone tell us how it operates / how it was disabled?

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I don't know anyone who has it removed. It's done via the WDS ford dealers have, from what I undrstand it's fairly easy to do with the right equipment.

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