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Park brake sssh sssh noise


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I had the shh shh option as well. After five attempts at fixing it, the dealer finally got it right. Now it is at six clicks, it holds and it doesn't make any noise. Keep on your dealer's case. They can fix it.

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I had my 15,000 service on Wednesday

They picked the car up and dropped it back at work.

When I booked I said I wanted the following fixed please

Shoosh shoosh noise

Noisey starter motor on real cold mornings first start

Reversing sensors losing paint.

Got it back they rang and said we have fixed all of the issues, I said Great

Finished work, went out to the car and guess what

Reversing Sensors still losing paint

drove out of car park and heard shoosh shoosh

Next morning still have my noisey starter motor

Do we look stupid or something when it comes to repairs.

We must cause everyone, either XR6, XR6T, XR8, GT all have problems

trying to have things FIXED


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I love this noise. It does it on all of the Falcons at work and did it on a couple of the vehicles I test drove before buying the Red Dragon.

I wouldn't go with out it.

Complements the difrf that has just begun to whine perfectly.


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Was in my company carpark today and a brand new VY2 Clubsport drove past with the shh shh shh noise coming from his rear brakes. It must be a australian car maker only option :spoton:

LOL, exactly the same thing happened to me. I was driving into my work's carpark and as it's covered it amplifies the sound. This morning it was really annoying me and I was thinking how embarrassing it was to hear the handbrake making a noise.

I was walking out of the carpark when a VY Clubsport comes shh shh shhing past me. All I could do was laugh!

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  • Flower Power
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You wouldn't believe it if I told ya, my new car's hand brake works like a charm, and there is no shhhh shhh noise!! :D

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Guest FatBAt
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Hi everybody,

I know everybody suffers from this from time to time but have noticed that when mine starts this noise all I do is will driving slow pull the hand brake lever up and let it go and the noise stops happening, it must have the effect of repositing the brake shoes, try it , it may work for you too.

Biggy :spoton: :o

I know this may be a long shot but the same thing happened to me. My problem was that when they had the diff out because of it clunking, they put the handbrack cable back in the wrong position.

It was rubbing on the CV boot and you guessed it ... it made a shhh shhh sound at low speeds. Needless to say it eventually wore a whole in the boot (1 weekend) so back into the shop it went......................

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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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You wouldn't believe it if I told ya, my new car's hand brake works like a charm, and there is no shhhh shhh noise!! :D


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