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Oil Air Seperator Modification

Guest EXR24T

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Guest EXR24T
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Carried out this mod after reading thread on oil air seperators posted previously. Copied idea from link to Ls1 site. What do you think? Is this practical?

All the best EXR24T.


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This sort of thing is what this forum community is all about. Great work guys.

Geea. :kissmy:

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Guest Big Mick
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Great work EXR24T, make sure you keep us updated on how it goes.

Well I brought a ryco fuel filter tonight ($9), mine has the inlet and outlet 180deg apart.

I've also got a vacuum gauge and so I'm ready to test the change in vacuum (and crankcase pressure) when sucking it through the filter.

Frank, I agree with you about the possible build up in pressure in the crankcase as the filter fills with oil, so test number 3 will be adding some oil to the filter and measuring the change in vacuum, as opposed to a clean filter and no filter (stock).


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This sort of thing is what this forum community is all about. Great work guys.

Geea. :blush:

What he said. Now I am going to wade in with a dumb question because I not lifted the bonnet of the for a whille and am mechanically inept

Will these tins limit the amount of oil film that builds up in the throttle body thus causing rough idle and stalling ??

guys great thread :crybaby:

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I think the idea installing a catchcan is good but the execution I have seen here is dangerous. Using a fuel filter for this use, is not a good idea. The surface area of the filter is minimal and will block up very quickly. Most of the catchcans I have seen and used had stainless steel mesh inside them that would capture the oil and drip it to the bottom. They looked like flyscreen inside the can. Paper based filters will only last a couple of hundred km and then cause a pressure blockage and may blow seals if filtering oil as they are designed to filter a low viscosity liquid (fuel) and not a oil. I strongly suggest you only use the fuel filter mod for a test, rather than a solution.

There is a reason that most catchcans are made of aloy or steel and that is the temp and also the type of vapour it is designed to catch. You can get catchcans in all shapes and sizes, we just need to find one that fits the T. :crybaby:

Also, I would recommend not worrying about a return line back into the engine as there is very little oil (unless you motor has problems) and returning the oil to the engine is not worth the problems caused by trying to run a tap into the sump.

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Guest EXR24T
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:crybaby: G'day T brother's . just a bit of info in regards to my car prior to OAS mod . car is stock at present , other than running full synthetic motor oil ( ROYAL PURPLE 10W40 Synerlec ) . changed to synthetic at 6500km . car now at 16000km .due for next change now . as this is my first venture into a turbo'd engine I was unaware of blow by which thanks to you guys was raised in original thread on OAS TOPIC . as the great man himself stated (GEEA) , THIS IS WHAT MAKES THIS A GREAT COMMUNITY ! sharing info to one and all !! getting back to the discussion once I removed rockercover vent hose & fittings & cleaned out the internal bore with cotton wool I was surprised at the amount of fine oil deposited in such a small area. further investigation into removing inlet piping from cross over to turbo inlet reveiled fine oil deposit internally in pipe as well as actual oil droplets inside turbo housing , ( as mentioned by another site member on removal of intake pipe ) . this prompted me to carry out OAS mod as seen in pic's , as stated car is unmodded , travels 80% on the freeway (136km return trip a day ) , & is not driven like it is stolen !! so it seems to me that this could be an issue concerning not only modded but stock T's . what do you think ? will keep you all posted on progress of mod .keep up the good work brother's !!:blush:

all the best EXR24T.

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Guest EXR24T
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point taken ZapXR6T , the mod I have done is only short term .just interestd to see how much oil and how quickly it is deposited in filter ! will keep a daily check on filter as you stated the last thing you need is for the dip stick to be forced out of it's tube by a blocked vent line.

all the best EXR24T.

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