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Rough Idle

Guest cmathieu

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Guest cmathieu
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Hi all,

Picked up my XR6T (second hand from a Ford dealer) last Monday. The first thing I noticed is that the idle is not as smooth as I thought it would be...it feels as though its slightly missing occassionally...this is also true of my friend's XR6T...so I am wondering if any other XR6T owner's have noticed this...I've got my car booked in for Ford to have a look at this so hopefully (not holding my breath), they can find out what is wrong. Acceleration seems fine but then as I've only had this car for 1 week, I may not be aware of what I am missing...hehe...fuel consumption is high at around 15.2 litres per 100 kays and I am not booting so often...I drive with the auto in tip-tronic mode so here is hoping what Ford might find...I've read in a post on this forum that the plugs may need to be re-gapped to 0.9mm so I am hoping that Ford will do this when the car is in.

Thanks all.


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Is this fuel consumption your own figures or the Trip Computers, cause machines lie. More like the idle be a dirty throttle body.


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Guest cmathieu
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Hi Scotty,

Thanks for the info.

I was using my own figures for fuel consumption. Wouldn't rely totally on what the trip computer says..I only know too well.

I will let Ford have a look at it and see if they can come up with answers and fix the problem.

Will let you know what they say and do.

Thanks again.


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Guest ba XR6
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1). Turn ignition to ON

2). Hold foot all the way to floor on accelerator.

3). Turn key as if to start.

4). Dont worry car wont start as sensor on accelerator knows you are flooring it.

5). Hold key like this and count to ten. During this time the starter motor will be going - dont worry this is normal

6). Turn key back to OFF.

7). Take foot off accelerator.

8). Wait 30 seconds then start as normal

This resets the cam phasers - the cause of your rough idle. They seem to need reseting from time to time. It works a gem and you shouldnt have any more problems for quite a while.

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Hmm, maybe I could have saved myself from an expensive tow hey? Hmm, have to take note of that one :spoton:

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1). Turn ignition to ON

2). Hold foot all the way to floor on accelerator.

3). Turn key as if to start.

4). Dont worry car wont start as sensor on accelerator knows you are flooring it.

5). Hold key like this and count to ten. During this time the starter motor will be going - dont worry this is normal

6). Turn key back to OFF.

7). Take foot off accelerator.

8). Wait 30 seconds then start as normal

This resets the cam phasers - the cause of your rough idle. They seem to need reseting from time to time. It works a gem and you shouldnt have any more problems for quite a while.

Ive heard that one before,and sounds as it does the trick,bloody computers!!

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  • Member For: 21y 11m 14d
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Hmm, maybe I could have saved myself from an expensive tow hey

Yeah, that's a fair tow what you've been through.


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  • Formerly Turbo6
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I have posted this remedy before - but it doesn't work on my car. I have had the phasers apart and everything, but it still idles rough. Makes plenty of power though........ :)

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