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My Poor Baby!


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Billyb, pleased to see you are OK and hope you sort out everything with the car to your satisfaction.

As Crisso mentioned about the Cro deja vu, we now have 2 Blueprint T's (Cro's and Billyb's) doing an overtaking maneuver when another vehicle swings out...here's hoping we never have to talk about any more!

I have to admit, as another Blueprint T owner, I was almost taken out by someone attempting to overtake on the other side of the road while I was overtaking, but "sensed" the driver was about to pull out and had sufficient reaction time to pull back, let him overtake then overtake him. :ermm: From a driver's perspective, when you overtake on the other side of the road, your primary focus is on oncoming cars, not who is behind you, or worse, in your blindspot as you decide to overtake. With 2 accelerating vehicles at relatively high speeds, this is one of the most potentially dangerous encounters on our roads. Perhaps something positive we can draw from this is to (1) quickly check our blind spots when overtaking and (2) "anticipate" that other drivers may not see us in their blind spots before fully committing to the takeover maneuver.

Safe and happy driving...Dr Z. :spoton:

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To put a long story short.... I try....

Was overtaking two cars.....

Got beside the first and then he had a smart idea or overtaking....

without looking....

hit me....

I spin....

back onto road.....


break his taillight....

cause of crash does runner....

Lucky cops catch up with him day later, still does not change the fact that my car

is stuffed !

Sorry to hear about your loss, another blueprint down cause of dickheads not looking before they overtake.

I was in the same position as you, and I can tell you that it could of been a lot worse. Check out this thread that Jep- posted before: http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11465

Just be glad that your ok, and at least insurance will take care of it for you :gooff:

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  • voy74656
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the blue beauties are dropping like flies :gooff:

that's so crap to hear billyb....when u hear that crunch and bits go flying its never a good feeling. just be safe in the fact that your ok and it will all be fixed by insurance...god bless their deep pocket souls :gooff:

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Yeah the whole thing has been a pain, I tell you...

Its been off the road for three months now, took NRMA a month before they even

gave to go ahead to start fixing, was down having a look today and the damage

bill is greater than 20k now, but looks to be back on the road next week.

So much goes into it, to fix the damage that occured,

New doors, 3 doors and one painted, new roof, body kit, wheels and tyres, and

just about every pannel on car had a least a small dint.

Windows, new tint and a new seat + extras.... as it goes on longer there is more

stuff being added, cost is just going up and up !

At the time of the crash I was that pi**ed off because I am only 19 and if I was

going to have to claim with my insurance, I think I would have to go without in the

future because I wouldnt get it or it would cost me something like 10k a year...

Untill they found the guy I was thinking along the lines of having to sell the car.

Very lucky everything worked out in the end.

Anyway enough going on and on, thanks for all the kind words and I have to say

I think you outdid me cro, that looks like one nasty crash anyone hurt?


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  • nutter
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cro had a few busted ribs to what I read in that topic, we are all just glad that he got out of it alive and before it gave him any serious burns...

I owulda really thought your car was a write off billyb, it sucks you gotto claim insurance on it, your no claim bonus is shot and at such a young age too...

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