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Ban the bull bar


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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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Just saw a crap story on Today Tonight about some galoot at the Monash University calling for the banning of bull bars.

One of the arguments is that the bull bar is going to cause more injury to a stupid pedestrian than the front of the car.

Not that hitting the front of the car is not going to hurt you anyway !!

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As long as big 4WDs pay more rego (as they do in the ACT), Im happy.

The only time Ive ever been cut off twice in traffic by the one vehicle was a big 4WD. Gosh I was cranky. :ermm:

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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4WD owners certainly do pay more than everybody else

They pay more in fuel excise

They pay more in GST on tyres, servicing etc

They pay more in insurance

Therefore (as much as I don't like them ) they have earned a right to be able to use the roads

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  • loitering with intent
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Whilst there is a place for 4 Wheel Drives on the road , I for one cannot stand the Toorak Tractor mentality of owning a 4 wheel drive "truck" to do only the shopping and picking up kids, these are responsible for more bumps and scrapes than you would warrant. Speak to your local panel beater if you don't believe me......grrrrr

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  • In Your Face
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Whilst there is a place for 4 Wheel Drives on the road , I for one cannot stand the Toorak Tractor mentality of owning a 4 wheel drive "truck" to do only the shopping and picking up kids, these are responsible for more bumps and scrapes than you would warrant. Speak to your local panel beater if you don't believe me......grrrrr

I say ban both of them :pinch:

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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Ok but up until the Territory, what has been a viable alternative.

Two to three little kids with all the associated stuff, ease of getting in and out, putting kids into capsules or seats as well as the higher seating position for women drivers who are constantly harrassed by their progeny whilst driving, needs a larger vehicle with interior space and height to be able to do all of this stuff.

For the money they could easily buy a Benz or 3 Series, as well as a Volvo or something else, but the reasons are still there (as outlined) as to why the 4wd/crossover is popular.

The whole bullbar argument is a stealth attack on 4wd vehicles as well as a transfer of responsibility onto the driver of a motor vehicle (which uses roads which cars were designed for) from the stupid pedestrian.

Pedestrians wouldn't get wacked by cars if they obeyed the 'Don't Walk' signals, crossed at pedestrian crossings or (in the case of schools) had the parents take responsibility for their children by getting of their fat 'tracksuit clad' asses, getting out of the car and walking into the school and picking up their children and taking them back to the car !!

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  • I see red
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Ok but up until the Territory, what has been a viable alternative.

Two to three little kids with all the associated stuff, ease of getting in and out, putting kids into capsules or seats as well as the higher seating position for women drivers who are constantly harrassed by their progeny whilst driving, needs a larger vehicle with interior space and height to be able to do all of this stuff.

So what did all the soccer mums do before the Toorak Tractors were trendy? Oh that's right, they used Falcadore station wagons. It's just fashion, not functionality. :pinch:

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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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Ok but up until the Territory, what has been a viable alternative.

Two to three little kids with all the associated stuff, ease of getting in and out, putting kids into capsules or seats as well as the higher seating position for women drivers who are constantly harrassed by their progeny whilst driving, needs a larger vehicle with interior space and height to be able to do all of this stuff.

So what did all the soccer mums do before the Toorak Tractors were trendy? Oh that's right, they used Falcadore station wagons. It's just fashion, not functionality. :w00t2:

Agree with the fashion over functionality comment, you would have to say that either falcon/commy/magna station wagons would be easier to manage with when juggling kids groceries and whatever.

And I think banning bullbars is ridiculous, are they going to ban them on everything from small nudge bars on little cars to big mothers on prime movers. I would like to see the fit the truckies would throw over this when a kangaroo goes through the front of there truck wiping out the intercooler every week.

:w00t2: you manash do gooder.

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I love my 4x4 with big alloy roo bar,great for intimidating soft handed suburban dweebs in poofy little Magnas etc,believe me they do get out of the way!Seriously though there are city people who need 4x4,s for a variety of reasons,such as launching boats,tradesmen who need to access muddy/sandy work sites and most seem to have roo bars.The need for 4x4,s in the rural areas goes without saying of course.Where I live we have eastern grey roos standing 180 cm high so I need a roo bar and get around very carefully at night in the T without one..Grew up on Eyre Peninsula where everything from a Suzuki Mightyboy to the local docs Fairlane had a roo bar.Ban them?Very bad idea.

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