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Bigger intercoolers


What sort of intercooler do you have and are you happy  

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I cant notice any change to the engine cooling on my car with the aps ic, and I really think it comes on boost earlier now than with the standard setup. Might be intersting to compare what sort of revs the boost comes on with the two diffrent kits just to see what affects the extra pipeing has?


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It’s interesting to see that you are continuing the APS tradition of criticizing other peoples' posts, in a nice way of course, rather than focusing on your own products.

There is nothing wrong with a good tube and fin intercooler; and this is not a debate about bar & plate vs tube & fin. In my car I know it works very well, and I’ve no doubt your intercooler works well also.

I don’t know about your maths; the actual extra inlet piping alone on your stage 3 compared to my car is around 600 cubic cm post IC, assuming a tubing radius of 40mm…do the maths…. So based on your “25 cubic cm adds .06 sec” that is actually 1.44 seconds of lag post intercooler alone.

I assume you have no issue regarding my comments related to core thickness impacting radiator effectiveness.


Hi Brian,

Like you I'm from the feet and inches days and in my Friday night haste I neglected to divide that figure correctly, so whilst I'm pleased you took the figure at face value, the correct figure to use is 0.06 sec per 4,200 per cubic centimeters. So by your calculation, 1.44 seconds of lag becomes something a great deal smaller. Though I must say that your mesurement is off slightly. You neglected to measure to the centre of the inlet manifold - which is the actual reference point for length calculations ;-)

I'll come back to you later regarding the rest of your post. I am on soccer duty today and must leave shortly. BTW, how were those Greeks in the soccer cup :spoton:

In the mean time, have a read of the discussion piece at the bottom of the following page: http://www.aps-xr6t.com/falcon/intercooler/intercooler.htm so that we can discuss intercooling from a real world perspective specifically about the XR6T - and not drag irrelevant issues into the equation.


APS Web Team ... and other stuff

Edited by aps
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  • Greg Brindley
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Further to your comments on the APS thread: "Ok seeing as my last intercooler thread got killed off due to this thread starting and seeing how I'd still like to know more about intercoolers than just APS's advertising spiel, could I get some comments on the following link. I think I found it on here somewhere (not sure where), and if people would like to share their thoughts that would be great.


This isn't thread hijacking or bagging anyone I'm just after information from various sources. If people aren't happy postiong here cause its in the APS section post in my original thread, HERE.


I had a long read through the ARE intercooler page and have to say that – aside from being incredibly lengthy – it is about as honest and forthright as one could hope.

Nizpro agrees with the majority of comments made by the ARE author, however the problem with reading this or George’s or anyone else’s comments for that matter, is that at the end of the day they are ‘just’ comments.

If I were to post a long thread claiming this and that, I too would only be adding to what has already become a bit of a dog’s breakfast. It’s like you go in to buy a DVD player only to walk out an hour latter totally confused!

What I see as the most important aspects regarding Intercooling is how a product performs in the real world. What I would love to do would be to stage a test; Placing side by side – back to back – an APS, Nizpro, CAPA and any other aftermarket kitted XR6 vehicles (not development mules – rather private cars that are untouched Phase 3 or Stage 2 or whatever) whereby the intake side of the system is probed to provide: Pre intercooler temperature, pre intercooler pressure, post intercooler temperature, and post intercooler pressure.

Using the following figures only as an example, we would be wanting to achieve something like this: Stage 2 Nizpro running at 13 psi, 300rwkw, 1 psi pressure drop,15 degrees above ambient.

A test of the APS Phase 3 along with say CAPA’s water to air intercooled combination would follow, noting that the exact same testing procedure (making sure the playing field was level – same fuels used, same ambient temperature, same driver, and an absolutely independent tester) was followed and everyone will be the wiser!

Nizpro has no qualms being involved.

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I like the sound of that Greg. I'd like to add my current setup combined with the intercooler out of the FPV Typhoon. I dont think it would be as good as the Nizpro or APS kits but I'd like to see the comparison. It could provide a cheaper alternative if it has reasonable numbers.

Geea. :spoton:

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I would of thought that a better test of intercoolers would be to use them all on the same car in order to reduce variables between cars & their state of tune.


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I'd like to add my current setup combined with the intercooler out of the FPV Typhoon.

If this test does go ahead I can source a Typhoon intercooler easily enough.

What about custom made cooers? I intend to have a good discussion with Neal Bates' head metal fabricator in relation to front mounts for XR's...... Would be nice to test his custom job out too!

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I'd like to add my current setup combined with the intercooler out of the FPV Typhoon.

If this test does go ahead I can source a Typhoon intercooler easily enough.

What about custom made cooers? I intend to have a good discussion with Neal Bates' head metal fabricator in relation to front mounts for XR's...... Would be nice to test his custom job out too!

Mick, do you have much info on the Typhoon intercooler. I believe that the Typhoon will run 9psi. I have also heard that the intercooler is 50% larger than the stock "T" intercooler. Would you know either way if these are correct figures. What would it cost to get a Typhoon intercooler and do you have any other information on what its specs or capabilties might be.

Geea. :thumbsup:

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Mick, do you have much info on the Typhoon intercooler. I believe that the Typhoon will run 9psi. I have also heard that the intercooler is 50% larger than the stock "T" intercooler. Would you know either way if these are correct figures. What would it cost to get a Typhoon intercooler and do you have any other information on what its specs or capabilties might be.

Geea. :thumbsup:

The only info I have on the Typhoon coller is exactly the same you have! None! Wont know until the Typhoon is listed on Microcat so we can order a cooler and have a look at one. Everytime we do a Microcat update I look straight away at the intercooler section, so as soon as its listed, ill let everyone else know too.

I have "heard" its 50% larger too, cant definately confirm or deny this one.

Going by the cost of the current "small" coolers, which are incidentally around the $900 mark, you'd have to say the Typhoon job will cost about $1500?????? Im only guessing here, could be double that, could be half.....

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