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Why Oh Why..


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  • The Noble Leader
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I dunno call me picky, but I seriously dont know why someone would purchase an XT put a XR Wing on it, 17" XR mags and drive around. I had this guy try to race me the other day when coming into work. I slowed down so i could see what it was and guess what.. an XT..

Im really confused as to why someone would want to make their car look like something its not. I can understand in some circumstances such as major engine mods that you would need an XR8 bonnet etc.

But to make your car out to be something its not is a little strange to me. Yes I know i had a mirage once and made it out to be something its not.. but I guess ive matured.. thats why i bought an XR6T.

Dont laugh :D

Oh I guess you would like to see what the mirage looked like..


And yes it did win trophy's and stuff at car shows :D

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  • Flower Power
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Thank God you got rid of that "thing"...

I see an acid ruch xt with XR17's XR Spoiler, body kit and even a turbo badge under the XT badge almost every day on the way home from work.

Makes me sick and I haven't even got my REAL turbo yet.

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Gee that does seem abit weird. But for me personally, if I were restricted in funds and bought an XT, I would actually put on a rear spolier and maybe a kit just to spice it up abit. Or this person could have the 5.4 V8 and added those extra options I guess.

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My local dealer had an XT with aftermarket wheels and a spoiler as their very first demo last year. When it first arrived it felt sportier after the AU. To each their own I guess.

My Why oh Why...? Is why would you but a Futura when for just under a grand more you could have a N/A XR6. It just doesn't make sense why anyone would buy one. :hiwelcome:

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  • I see red
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My Why oh Why...? Is why would you but a Futura when for just under a grand more you could have a N/A XR6. It just doesn't make sense why anyone would buy one. :hiwelcome:

Insurance perhaps...

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  • vrooom psshhht
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Everyone has there own tastes.

I remember a while ago there was some big debate over people putting XR front end's on non XR's, or tickford badges on non tickfords.

Take it as a compliment - they obviously like our cars so much - they try to immitate us.

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I wonder if we are missing a point here. for 25 years people have been putting spoilers and crap on cars from other models. I have lost count of how many Excels I have seen with WRX scoops on them.

The BA shape really lends itself to a bit of aftermarket fitment. How many VN commodores or later do you see just with a rear spoiler?. A bloody lot!

For whatever misguilded reasons owners do this, they do not understand the mathematics of it. Here is an example for you to work through;

Second had Hyundai $10,000


Too loud "duf duf" stereo $4,000

17" wheels from another car $2,000

Stupid looking body kit $2,500

WRX scoop $500

Interior change to white $3,000

Engine changes for no KW increase $1000

Suspensiion lowering $1500

total $24,500

Now we look cool. We have a car with great sound wild looks too low and no performance. Now we get the girlfriend we wanted to because of the "sic" car. We get keen on her and we plan to get married. She has a job and so do I.

We are going to buy a house so we cant afford the payments on the car and the VISA card used to put the crap on the car. So we sell it $6000 because of the crap that's on it no one else in Sydeny mate likes. I will have to pay off the balance to the bank for 4 years, pay of the VISA card and we have to move in with the future mother in law to save money.

The moral to this story........

Leave your damm car alone and you will get its residual value when you have to get out of it. Otherwise you are going to live with your mother in law forever!



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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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The moral to this story........

Leave your damm car alone and you will get its residual value when you have to get out of it. Otherwise you are going to live with your mother in law forever!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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