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drastic loss of power with bad missing


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Do you have a boost gauge ?

It would be good to see what boost you are running, but I would get it back tot he dealer asap.

It sounds like the boost sensor or ecu may have issues

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  • SportCompact.biz
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Mine does it at low rpm (2000) at part throttle settings. Perhaps it is the VCT or the TPS? Im getting it looked at tommorow by CRD.

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Guest LOK@ChipTorque
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A few of us experienced the overboost the other weekend up at bathurst. Temps were very cold and under hard acceleration the cars went into limp mode. Not sure if this is related to point 1, but it may be due to the cars running lean with the set fuel maps under our piggyback ECUs because of the extra boost from cold weather...  :blink:

Sorry guys,

Succumbed to the Flu/Lurgy/Cold thingy whatever. Knocked me 'round for a few days. The hard part is knowing what you're hitting and aaronmihe, at present, no there's no easy way to get data without scanner tools. I'm told that Unichip and XEDE modified cars have hit boost cut when the air is really cold. At the end of the day, it's there to protect the engine although, it could be embarrasing or possibly dangerous in the wrong circumstance. That's why I offered the suggestion above. If that doesn't reset it to 6 cylinders, it may have another issue. If that does fix it, it may need a whisker less commanded boost in the XEDE or Unichip if it has one. If it's factory, talk to Ford.

Let us know what you find.


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Here's another thought, is the car throwing itself into "limp home mode"?

The exact same thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago on the highway, went to overtake a B double, gave it about 80% go pedal, car went to 3 grand and went to 5 cyl's too. Pulled over, turned it off completely, let it sit for about 1 minute, all was good after that.

Gave it a good hard drive last night, went well over 3 grand a few times, it went like a dream. And it was damn cold here last night, let me tell you!

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No boost gauge on mine. Pure stocker. :w00t2:

It does seem a bit like it could be dropping into 'limp home mode'.

Be very interesting to see what happens cnc.

MS700: Exactly what happened to me!

Going back to Hotham today. Big crossed fingers!!!! :w00t2:

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I can actually tell when my T's gonna go into limp mode.

It's generally on a cold morning or night. If I give it a squirt, when I hit 3000rpm

you can actually hear a loud hissing noise, (louder than normal) kinda like the turbo is working overtime. Overboosting???

If I continue to hold down the "fun" pedal, it jumps straight into limp mode without fail.

I also get a surging sensation shortly before it occurs. Sort of like you are lifting your foot slightly off the accelerator and re-applying a number of times..

This really frustrates me. :blush: I just don't think that a car with 8000ks on it should behave like this. Doesn't really seem all that safe to me :spoton:

Certainly not what I slapped my 45 odd grand down for either!

And by the sounds of it, I'm not the only one with the problem.

For fux sake, does Ford not consider this enough of a problem to rectify it????

Sorry, bit ticked off, that's all.

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Most of you guy's have a good idea of what is happening to your cars so I thought I'd better "enlighten" everyone to the way FCSD engineers are handling the problem.

What they are saying it is is that the vehicles are going into an "overboost" situation where the PCM(Powertrain Control Module) detects a "missfire" in the engine and overcompesates for the sudden drop in engine performance by momentarily increasing the boost pressure(as high as 9psi).Then it detects that the missfire has gone and the system logs an overboost code and goes into limited operation or forced throttle shutdown.This can happen under light throttle or heavy throttle aplications.This is why it's such a wide spread problem.

"What are they doing to fix this",I hear you all say.

Well funnily enough the fix that they have had a high success rate with is quite simple.They are asking dealers with effected vehicles to remove and regap the spark plugs from the factory gap of 1.1mm to .9mm.They are also asking the dealers to make sure that they are fitted with the correct spark plugs as well.Just in case you want to know the genuine plugs should be: AGSP22Z11

They also say that after market "pod" style air filters cause these vehicles to log overboost situations as well.(Dont ask me to explain that one. I have NFI)

Hope this helps. :glad:

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  • loitering with intent
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Good info, but as per my sig , I have some mods and have recently experienced limpness in very cold conditions. I also am running platinum plugs with a tighter gap.Limp mode was experienced as stated , but also for a number of hours in warmer environs. Next day Schmick. WTF. :glad:

My issue is that I, and others could have easily been killed, as this occurred to me in the oppositions lane whilst overtaking. Very close and very scary. Should have been done with loads to spare. instead I was an atheist praying :glad:

Everyone is shirking this issue :glad: , My advice is don't, as I have already sought legal advise on this matter, and this is a problem ,as not only modded cars are experiencing this extremely dangerous fault.

So I am stating upfront that this is not the last on this , because I will not accept faulty censors or whatever for a fatality.

Note from your product provider "Please do not attempt to utlise the power of this SPORTS/ PERFORMANCE vehicle whilst overtaking in sub 10 degree C conditions or the vhicle will be rendered limp and you could die.

FORD Not good enough ..................yet again............Grrrrrrrrrrr ( repeat after me)

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