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drastic loss of power with bad missing


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Assuming that the special ECU is a stock ECU with different firmware in it (flashed!!). Does anyone know if Ford will offer a flash upgrade to cars that have been affected?

Yes they do....done on mine.

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  • Member For: 21y 3m 22d
  • Location: Eastern Victoria

Mine had computer reflashed with and update at a previous sevice. It made absolutly no difference. I was interested in the computer replacement that rodxr6t has had. That does not sound like a simple reflash, at least not the one I had.

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Guest jteale
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FYI, after I have had my cars plugs regapped I have not had one problem, honestly this is an official Ford fix ... and it seemed to help me ... my car is only 7 weeks old and I am pretty sure the ECU would be pretty current ... I certainly would try this simple fix prior to ECU re-flashes, etc ... I mean ring your SA at your dealer and let them know you would like it done ...

Good Luck,

Cheers, Jason.

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Guest vosadrian
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Just because your car has been reflashed and it made no difference does not mean that this reflash will not fix it. I presume that this is a problem that ford have been working on. The main problems is the way the software in the ECU (firmware) responds to missfires or overboost. I presume that the ECU that was supplied which fixed the problem has been installed with software that is less agressive in its behaviour to the missfire or overboost that causes the loss of power. Ford have probably had trouble reproducing the problem themselves, so they have chosen to supply this ECU to a car that has a history of having this problem. If the feedback they get is that the car nolonger has the problem, they may then release this flash upgrade to dealers, and new cars.

I would opt for the latest flash upgrade at any time, unless it becomes known that Ford have purposely down graded some aspect of the ECU for some reason.

-- Adrian

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Guest vosadrian
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The ECU has ignitors built in. The coil negatives go straight back to the ECU. Therefore is could analyse the coil negative signal, and should be able to detect when the spark plug does not fire normally from the back EMF.

-- Adrian

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Guest rodxr6t
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After four days and a couple of thousand Km/s I can confirm that the modified ECU has done the trick, there is no trace of the power loss previously experienced , the car is ow a pleasure to drive without wondering if you are going to have a head on each time you go to pass another car. Therefore if the spark plug gap alteration doesn't fix your car get the service department to contact the Geelong engine plant boffins.


Rod :w00t2:

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Thanks for all the input guys. I will be talking to my service manager tomorrow and it will be interesting to see what he thinks. He didn't seem to think there was any need to regap the plugs last time but I will raise the issue again. I will also ask if he can contact the Ford guys and ask about a further flash for the ECU.

What I can't understand is why they have consistently found no fault codes. Wouldn't overboost and/or a misfire register a fault code? :spoton:

Great to hear that jteale and rodxr6t have got their problems worked out. Now, if only I could be so lucky... :smilielol:

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I have had my T to the dealer 4 times for this issue and will again go in for the 5th time tommorow, it starts to miss around 100/120Ks during a sedate overtaking manouver when it starts to miss I then accelerate harder causing the auto to drop down a gear and it takes off o/k, had it happen numerous times today, dealer has regapped plugs at last warranty winge and also reseated computer plugs. Loosing patience with this issue as it is such a great car otherwise. Towing a caravan I notice it happened at around 80Ks when merging with traffic, putting boot into it to drop a gear would rip the bl**dy towbar off. Ford need to address this ASAP as this type of publicity could make this model into another AU fiasco. :pinch:

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  • Member For: 21y 7m 9d
  • Location: Emerald Vic

I really dont believe this problem is still going on - I started the thread well over a year ago called "Dangerous Loss of Power Whilst Overtaking" - after many calls to CRC (who are useless), 3 dealers and 11 months the problem seems too be solved.

My car would register a "Overboost" fault code. As I travelled at the time on 100KPH roads to get to work I was quite irrate when I was on the opposite side of the road and lossed power. The car started it at around 1500KM. The car was from the first time it happenned to it was fixed - 19 times back to a dealer which lead to frustration I just wanted to get rid of it. But I couldnt sell the thing knowing the problem was there and the perspective buyer could be injured.

The dealer that fixed mine was Knox Ford and to this day highly recommend thier work. I vaugely remember them replacing sensors eg oxygen sensors ect.

Just as a matter of interest my car is a Mar 03 built car - could be a batch of cars maybe.

All I need is this brake shudder every 5-7000 k to go away and Ill be stoked.


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