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Gadan's first birthday


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Cro thoughts to you and to the noble Gadan that in death protected you, afterall Gadan did you proud! Looking forward to pics of the new ride!!



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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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Holy Snapping Duck Sh!t Batman!!!!!!! :spoton:

Glad to hear your OK Ivan, but a damn pity about the T.

Agree with doc on this one, a GT would be nice recompense.

Whatever you get Gadan is definately off the new car name list.

Your blessed sunshine!!! :crybaby:

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Gee you wouldn't want to be the sucker that buys that after they fix it.

Man you did a good job on it this time, glad to hear you're ok anyway and best of luck with what ever you go for next.

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  • Bloody Orange Team (BOT)
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Hey Cro,

Good to see that you're alright (well as good as can be expected). As seems to be the most common comment, a car is just a car and can be replaced, but life can't.. You had alot of bad luck with your T with it's many problems and it's ability to attract wildlife of all sorts.. Hopefully the next car won't be a "lemon". But geez, it's amazing how safe cars are now days.

BTW, just showed the picture of your "blueprint" car to my brother and his fiance. First thing his fiance said to me was "can you find another blueprint car for the wedding?"... :spoton:

Anyways, hope insurance isn't a hassle and as I said privately, you know what colour you want. :)

OT here, but any blueprints in the ACT area or surrounding regions up for a wedding on October 2nd... :crybaby:

Kao sto sam rekao prije nekoliko dana. Uzmi ti pravi boju. Jedini problem je da moj boja nije vise na listu :( Ali sto goid radis, nemoj usmiti isti boju kao ken, zato onda ce bit probleme ;) (BTW mods, I promise there is no swearing etc in the bit.. honest)

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Jesus Christ Cro. Not much more to say is there?

Am I the only one that had shivers up their spine as soon as they saw those pictures? I was chilled to the bone!

Best thing is that your relatively unscathed. I hope your beer tastes sweeter than ever tonight :crybaby:

I got them too.... I think that all that can be said has been!!! And I hope that no1 else gets to experience the same!!!!!

RIP Gadan and long live CRO!!!!! cause if that didnt kill you, nothing will!!!

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Jesus Christ Cro. Not much more to say is there?

Am I the only one that had shivers up their spine as soon as they saw those pictures? I was chilled to the bone!

Best thing is that your relatively unscathed. I hope your beer tastes sweeter than ever tonight :crybaby:

I got them too.... I think that all that can be said has been!!! And I hope that no1 else gets to experience the same!!!!!

RIP Gadan and long live CRO!!!!! cause if that didnt kill you, nothing will!!!


I can remember seeing a blue BA GT-P that suffered the same fate without the fire, went backwards into a tree at some ungodly speed :blink: . Can't remember whether it was posted here or on the Ford Forums site. Maybe the BAs have tree magnets in the boot. Have you decided on the GT yet CRO :gooff:

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Hey Cro,

not much I can say given all the previous posts but I am glad you are OK...in relative terms. That could have been very nasty.

Cant wait to see the pics of the new beast what ever it ensd up being.

Take care.

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  • Complete Bastard
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Bugger. Glad to hear you are fine.

As for the fire....

I assume that the fire was started by the hot exhaust on the dry grass in the side cut...

I don't see any grass.

Tip for next car. Get some reverse parking sensors fitted.



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