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Street Sleeper or Head Turner?


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Street Sleeper or Head Turner?

(Had recently posted this 4-5 days ago, has vanished from the site, despite all attempts to find it)

To all readers, I have a question that has been plaguing me ever since driving of the show room floor in a brand new XR6T Ute, and also with previous cars I’ve owned (300ZXTT)

“Should I leave it looking stock and gradually modify it, to make it a wolf in sheep’s clothing”


“Drop it a few inches, new wheels, wider profile tyres, plus engine modifications to make it a wolf in an Armani Suit”

It’s been five weeks now since taking possession of my Silhouette XR6T Ute, I love it, couldn’t get enough of driving it Although 100% stock at the moment, I’m planning to add an APS Phase 1 and eventually a Phase 2.

I love the thought of having an untouched ‘looking’ vehicle capable of say 330kw @ the flywheel and destroying an unsuspecting, let’s say…a HSV VY2 Maloo Ute (285kw).

The look on the drivers face as he / she realises $55000 and upwards has been sliced, diced, tossed, smoked, sprinkled over my cornflakes and just eaten for breakfast.

On the flipside of the coin, the XR6T, when lowered, with a nice set of 18inch wheels (deep dish) and tyres say 265 to 275 in width, would set off a squat, stocky, muscular appearance (not forgetting the modifications).

Any vehicle with credibility would look good with the above mentioned, but an XR6T (especially 2 doors and a Ute) would look menacing…giving up the element of surprise as a consequence.

Looking Forward to seeing responses. Cheers all.

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Hey Darren, sleeper for me mate. The furthest I would go would be lowered (not too low) with a nice set of wheels.

At the end of the day I would rather have Go not Show. As long as the mod was there to serve a performance purpose, then I am all for it. Bigger Brakes, exhaust, lowering and so on. I reckon a nice lowering job on stock wheels, is all you need on the exterior, then you will keep em guessing! :spoton:

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The site crashed the other day with a number of posts/threads being a casualty. :w00t2:

Go for the looks I say, power upgrades can come later. Dump it and put some nice wheels on it. :spoton::spoton:

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There is only so far you can go with a "sleeper" until you give the game away. Keen enthusiasts will be able to spot a highly modified XR a mile off. Bigger front mount, bigger brakes, usually a bigger exhaust, all these mods are a indication to a modded XR.

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Except for the bonnet, my car surprises alot of people. :nono: If I pull up next to them at the lights they think I'm an XR8. Otherwise they think I'm a tosser in a 6 with a V8 bonnet. :w00t2: When I rapidly pull away from them and disappear into the distance I'm sure they change their mind. :pinch:

Geea. :pooh:

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