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15,000 Km Service Thread.


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I think, correct me if I'm wrong, but if the dealer does the mods for your car then you will keep your warranty. If you go somewhere else and get the edit = no warranty. Pity my dealer cant fix anytthing with my car let alone edit it.

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getting my 15000 km service on my 2003 xr6t next monday and was wondering if it is part of the service that they flash the cars computer or is it not neccesary? everything is running fine apart from a non retracting seat belt but will be fixed under warranty they tell me! cheers

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G'Day mate,

In response to your query regarding flashing of the computer, I would recommend you do not do it. If I understand correctly, the reason they do this is cause the turbo overboosts (in some cars) and can cause engine damage down the track. They 'detune' it so the turbo doesn't run as hard. I got this information from the dealer when I went in for my 30K service, and he strongly advised against it (although will deny ever saying it for obvious reasons). He told me that highway patrol had theirs done and they went back a week or two later complaining that the cars lost performance.

Be careful though cause the ford factory will keep it on the system until it is done to the car. From what the dealer said you can simply refuse to have it done. I had the normal service carried out and the injectors cleaned and it now runs better than ever.

The other problem the dealer mentioned is that once its done it is very tedious to reverse.

That'sa just my first hand experience mate. I have a mate who is very sceptical about taking the car to ford as he thinks they will do it without letting him know. I simply confronted the manager with my concerns and he assured me that it will not be done to the car unless I agree to it. In any case check your receipts and keep an eye out for loss in perfomance. I have been told that it is easy to tell if the performance has been compromised.

Hope this helps.

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  • 3 months later...
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got my car back from service yesterday, driving it home I decided it give it a stab

and it felt a bit sluggish. I took it for a drive today and the boost gauge is only reading 4psi I swear it was reading 5 before I have no mods. Now, do ford have the gear to retard it or am I just mental. :crybaby::spoton:

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  • Sucker
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Could be a myriad of things, but like old mate Tony mentioned if it was reflashed it should be listed on your invoice.

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  • Get on the end of it.....
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Could be a myriad of things, but like old mate Tony mentioned if it was reflashed it should be listed on your invoice.

why would they reflash it

and why down to 4 psi

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  • Sucker
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Could be a myriad of things, but like old mate Tony mentioned if it was reflashed it should be listed on your invoice.

why would they reflash it

and why down to 4 psi

They release revised updates for these things quite often, probably to fix one problem and the side-effect is lower boost. Just guessing though buddy, could be totally off-track with the reflash thing.

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Could be a myriad of things, but like old mate Tony mentioned if it was reflashed it should be listed on your invoice.

why would they reflash it

and why down to 4 psi

Cause they are FORD and they like selling cars like these and then Zapping power out of them so they dont break anything.No its so they make there 3 year warranty period :crybaby:

Well that's what I reckon :spoton:

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