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Auto with APS Phase II setup

Guest Max boost

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Guest Max boost
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Hi Guys,

Im a newbie here so I have some question that have probably been covered already.

I was thinking of having the Phase II APS kit installed and was wondering if anyone has done this with an auto and if so how is the auto holding up.

Also is this kit as good as the mags report? or has anyone got a better sugestion.



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Hi Max

I cant help with the PhaseII kit info specifically, but I have the aps Phase III kit and I have to say they are as good as the mags say , look on the tunning section for the diffrent kits availble theres lots of info on aps products.


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To put it simply NO the auto left in std form does not hold up with phase 2 pwr :spoton:

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Guest dingah
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Max Boost - understand your concerns - obviously how hard you drive it has as greater bearing as how much power - but if your are fitting APS Phase 2 one can only assume........

Take a look at the next thread along on this site and you will see more of the information you seek, though for some reason APS have appeared a little less than forthcoming in detailing thier recomended mods. That said I may have missed a response somewhere in all of the posts.



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Max Boost - understand your concerns - obviously how hard you drive it has as greater bearing as how much power - but if your are fitting APS Phase 2 one can only assume........

Take a look at the next thread along on this site and you will see more of the information you seek, though for some reason APS have appeared a little less than forthcoming in detailing thier recomended mods.  That said I may have missed a response somewhere in all of the posts.



Mate I can't make comments on what auto mods other workshops offer interstate (one can't be more forthcoming) that's why I am reluctant to make comment, as I have no way of knowing how good/bad the auto workshop may or may not be. :msm:

My apologies that I can't offer interstate APS customers further assistance (as much as I would like to) other than giving the customer contact details of a reputable business that can quote on doing the work, ultimately APS cannot be responsible for the quality of the auto trans work performed by a business that we don't manage or control. :lol: Is there something that I am misunderstanding regarding your comments?



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Hi all,

Peter not very forthcoming about auto mods eh :msm:

In regards to transmission life with modded XR6T's (250rwkw and more) only request owners for advise on what they've encountered!

APS and other businesses have told people the manuals will be fine with a redline oil change ... BUT you ask the believing NOW owners of these kits their opinion :msm:

Geea seems to be having a good run with his modified auto so maybe that auto shop has addressed the issues adequately to stop the auto failing ... time will tell

BCL01 Brian has solved the problem in the manual cars by replacing the gearbox with a T56 6 speed ... a much more expensive fix than replacing your oil in your T5 5 speed :lol:

Why did he go to all this expense ... the T5 is unable to handle the TORQUE despite what brand gearbox oil you use :msm:


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Guest dingah
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Sorry Peter, Unigroup was right on the nail.

We were under the impression that you had prescribed a series of activities/modifications for auto transmission which were 'blessed' by APS as being appropriate to set the box up to absorb the additional torque of a post Stage 2 APS mod. - ie line pressure changes, tensions etc and your experience with this would arm us intersataters well when approaching non-Melbourne auto txm shops to prepare our vehicles for more APS goodies.

That trip to Melbourne is just going to have to happen some time in the next 12 months. Likely to be a tedious trip down but a fun one back!! :ermm:


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