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T software revision

SR-71 Blackbird

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Hi Fordtech,

Ive recently upgraded my wheels to 19's.

Would I need to have any changes made to the program on my ECU?



There isn't an option in the list of preset wheel sizes on the WDS for 19's.You will probably find that the wheel height and rolling diameter of your new wheels isnt that much different to the original wheels anyway.As I posted before the performance difference would be minimal as well.

I have 19's 4% speedo difference and 1 inch higher ride height. Asked the servicing dealer to recalibrate the speedo they said they did. Fordtech how can this be done can it be done on the car computer or does it require a third piece of equiptment say a gps to get an accurate speed to reference to?

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Here we go again !!!!

My apologies.I forgot that you're a service advisor.

Fordtech I travelled 1000klms to get my car serviced things to be fixed leaking water pump, rattling exhaust shield, whistling door seals, speedo recalibration, revision upgrade. I find it hard to get my car to a reputable service agent and am dissapointed problems can't be fixed. Admittedly they fixed the leaking water pump by replacing it, recalibrated the speedo to the best of my knowledge. but this is the second time they have tightened the exhaust shield and it still rattles and the first time it was in for a service the apprentice had the gall to light it up in the service department as I left. The new revision I have on my car causes it to almost stall when the aircon kicks in the diff backlash is less though. I believe they may have lowered the idle is this a standard part of the reflash or is it set by the dealer when in for a service I did I believe pay a premium for the service at $200.00 even though I supplied the oil and oil filter!

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I have 19's 4% speedo difference and 1 inch higher ride height. Asked the servicing dealer to recalibrate the speedo they said they did. Fordtech how can this be done can it be done on the car computer or does it require a third piece of equiptment say a gps to get an accurate speed to reference to?


Went to work today and checked on the WDS and there is actually an option when programing Axle ratio/Tyre size to put in other dimension wheels.All the dealer does is enter the diameter,profile and section width and it actually gives you the correct rolling diameter to program into the PCM.

One thing that may apply to your problem is a TSB that was released this week regarding poor idle and in some instances stalling.It has to do with excessive build up of oil in the throttle body.The TSB number is 36/04.Unfortunately for you is that you need to monitor the PCM using a WDS to see if your vehicle is being affected by this.

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Fordtech - would this have occurred 'suddenly' or built up over time?

I have got 8 hours booked with the dealerships ECU/BA/WDS legend when he gets back from leave on the 28th. At least they're takign my concerns seriously.

I'm starting to think since I did the battery disconnnect power is pretty close to 'normal' (Three Dyno runs on the weekend all at around the 180-190kw mark on a "tough dyno") but it's still cutting out and surging on the road.

One of the torque printouts looks like a staircase with steps up the curve!

It's definately not running 'right' but it's hard to demonstrate the fault when it's intermittent under yet occurs 90% of the time under certain conditions. I don't expect the tech to drive the car all day trying to trip it up.

We'll see what happens, I'm presuming I'll now get the TB cleaned up - probably a reflash to make sure the previous flash wasn't corrupted and a through check of sensors etc via the WDS....


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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Lets get it back in then - You know I'm not Happy if Your not Happy ?!!

And he means it.... Had my car in a few day back and after a throttle body clean and a s/w update the car drives like a new one....even noticed the fuel consumption has improved.... :w00t2:

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