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In My Garage Finally........

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  • Member For: 22y 1m 14d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Albany Creek QLD

To those who are waiting.... its worth it.

I picked up my XR6T yestrerday and unforttuntely had to go back to work. Anyway I cut that short and went home a bit early.

Well the car gets plenty of looks. A lot of people are interested in these cars. Even nosy neighbours all wiiling to put in their two bobs worth who have never said boo before!

With the exception of Edge who lives over the road and has a phantom XRT.

We went for a drive last night just to get the feel of the car and its quite different to my past cars ( 5 series and WRX).

I won't pontificate on the handling as it was wet of course as it always is when you pick up a new car.

Peter Vogler and Peter Niebling of Torque Ford at Brendale were just great and I would recommend them to anyone for a no nonsense deal

We went through ups and downs like most buyers but at least with these guys bad news travelled just as fast as the good news

For those of you trying to work out if the premium brakes are worth it the answer is a profound yes.

The reason I ordered them is that I have driven rally cars for many years and are used to brakes that will hurl you through the windscreen. These brakes can do that by the way and are close to competition quality.

I have a test road close to home of which I know very well. I have driven a WRX, Penske Porsche 930, Mr2 Turbo, 5 series BMW, R8 Clubsport and other cars along this road and the XR6T, whilst not the best handler is by far the best one for brakes that I have driven and that includes the Porsche.

I really think Ford has a dillema on their hands. The XR8 isnt really any faster than this car and after reading the tests the GT isn't much better.

The XR6T really is the entry level car and in reality it should be the slowest of the three as its the cheapest.

I think the weight is the killer. If the XR8 and GT can loose 180KG then they are on a winner.

Is the car a good buy?. Well I went from the best handling sedan in the world to a XRT and I am far from disapointed. My only other choice was an M3 and I went bloody close after this car was delayed a month.

With the 90 grand I saved I just might be able to get another one for mods............

Some photos soon when the monsoon rain showers stop.......

Forced Induction - the replacement for Displacement!




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