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DIFF CLUNK - Combined Approach


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Has anyone had a feeling that the clunking gets much worse when things get hot?

I noted a number of times during our stinking hot summer that my beast would get significantly more clunky in the heat of the day and even more so if I had been giving it some or done a run on the highway.

Now the weather has cooled down I seem to have a lot less clunking.

What do you all think?

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Has anyone had a feeling that the clunking gets much worse when things get hot?

I noted a number of times during our stinking hot summer that my beast would get significantly more clunky in the heat of the day and even more so if I had been giving it some or done a run on the highway.

Now the weather has cooled down I seem to have a lot less clunking.

What do you all think?

l havent really noticed it getting worse when hot.

Its very bad when cold however while everythings cold, l feel like an invalid for the first 5km :pooh:

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mate I am in the same boat (re the hating something I loved.).. however I got a very pleasant surprise from my dealer today.. They called and asked if I can bring my car in for someone to have a look at it... went in and to my surprise I got none  of that "that's normal crap".... My car is now getting a new transmission (thanks to my dealer) my loss of power problem is getting fixed next week (again thanks to my dealer) they are going to find the cause of the black clutch fluid and fix it.... and wait for it................................... yes......... they said that there is something underway for the diff clunk ....... the replacement transmission could well lessen the shunt which would be fantastic until the fix comes through.

the feeling I got when I left the dealer was fantastic..... for the first time I can really say Thank you ford :w00t2: .... still have to drive the car the way it is for a few weeks but there is definate light at the end of the tunnel. :o

Jetute... hope it works out for you mate I really do.

Not sure if your problem is identical to mine which is "backlash clunk" . I do not want to dampen your enthusiasm but I am on my third transmission and the clunk got worse. The transmission was replaced due to flaring though, not clunk.


fair enough Jimbo,

I was only giving my dealer credit where credit is due... I do not believe the driveline shunt issue will get fixed but I Must say I am over the moon at knowing that all my other problems are getting sorted out.... after months of driving a car that clunks, rattles, shudders, and loses power (although on one occasion) I truely am overjoyed... Its just that this time I truely got super service...

But like you said I do not believe the driveline shunt will get fixed... And I really hope that with the new tansmission, like you indicated, the clunk does not get worse.


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Guest sancho
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I have a mate with a hsv who has sold it in favour of a xr6t, and he asked me how mine is. When he asked me about advice with buying a xr6t I said " yer....dont."

I showed him this rediculous diff whine and transmission clunk, and he was totally suprised...and made me feel stupid for buying one.

He is now looking at buying a monaro. Nice one Ford. :thumbsup:

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Try changing the oil in the diff to Shell LS90, 90grade green stuff, supposed to be far superior to what the diff manufacturer is putting in.

Mine is getting done on Monday, although I do not have a bad diff at all, but on reccommendation from a drivetrain guru I'll put it in just in case my diff deteriorates in the future. :gooff:

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Try changing the oil in the diff to Shell LS90, 90grade green stuff, supposed to be far superior to what the diff manufacturer is putting in.

Mine is getting done on Monday, although I do not have a bad diff at all, but on reccommendation from a drivetrain guru I'll put it in just in case my diff deteriorates in the future. :ermm:

Will be interested to see how that goes redhawk, let us know, it would be appreciated. :blink: Anything to reduce the problem as I believe that there will be no solution to this problem, as I believe it is a design fault. :spoton:

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Guest SilverXR6Lemon
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Hi every one

It appears to me that Drive train ( diff Whine Shunt clunk / tail shaft spacing) Problems, are the result of cost cutting measures in what otherwise is a reasonably good car, although coming from me is quite amazing considering my posted topic " sos should I go legal with Ford."

Yes I am going through other channels (Legal) but I feel Ford needs to bite the bullet on this one.

As For the group discussion I feel that every one involved should individually approach by telephone fax email etc the commercial TV stations both public & private the motor mags & the department of transport the Department of Fair-trading (NSW) & fax back the relevant forms where applicable this should get a response from Ford better than the individualised verbal ones from eg in my case Damien ford CRC (wont give his surname)"its drivable " "We will call you when we have a fix” this response last week was approximately 6 months & 20000 kms after I initially reported the problem.

DO it now don’t wait. Why because group pressure I.e. when a lot of people state a problem people

As described above listen.

After which one of as an individual within the time to make the phone calls could make the contact for a class action for a known problem...


NB the opinions express here are not necessarily the opinions of all or any of these forums.

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Guest BennyXRT
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Just had my car serviced on Friday.......

I had a huge winge about the diff :nono: and asked them to make sure it is fixed or if not, write comments on the service receipt (knowing too well it wouldn't be fixed).

Anyway, when I picked up the car, the service docket reads:

"Inspected and road tested vehicle for rear diff/driveline clunk, no fault found. Differential noise acceptable by Ford".

Howz that for a :nod:

So, each time I get it serviced I will get them to do the same thing, until one day I shatter my diff and hopefully by then they will have a fix for it.


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Well, I had mine booked in yesterday, and had the opposite experience to Ben...

When I made the service booking, I mentioned the whine, and my call was transferred to one of their workshop team leaders - I explained the issue, he asked a few questions and then promised that it would be checked.

When I arrived with the car, the service advisor grabbed a checklist, their "driveline" mechanic came for a test drive, he identified the sound (thought that it might be bearing noise), noted the details and said that the form would be faxed to Ford...

When I picked up the car in the afternoon, I was told that a replacement diff had been ordered - ETA is 1 week.

I'm now waiting for a phone call...

(Of course now I have the worry that the replacement diff will be worse than the current one - I have NO "clunk" at the moment, and when they swap the diff there's a reasonable chance that I'll end up with an out of balance tailshaft. :spoton: )

Time will tell !

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Well, I had mine booked in yesterday, and had the opposite experience to Ben...

When I made the service booking, I mentioned the whine, and my call was transferred to one of their workshop team leaders - I explained the issue, he asked a few questions and then promised that it would be checked.

When I arrived with the car, the service advisor grabbed a checklist, their "driveline" mechanic came for a test drive, he identified the sound (thought that it might be bearing noise), noted the details and said that the form would be faxed to Ford...

When I picked up the car in the afternoon, I was told that a replacement diff had been ordered - ETA is 1 week.

I'm now waiting for a phone call...

(Of course now I have the worry that the replacement diff will be worse than the current one - I have NO "clunk" at the moment, and when they swap the diff there's a reasonable chance that I'll end up with an out of balance tailshaft. :blink: )

Time will tell !

Great to see such a quick resolution to your problem Twinxrs, that's great. :makedeal:

I would suggest you will be waiting much longer than 1 week mate, I waited 6 weeks for my first diff, and am up to 7 weeks so far for my second, with at least another 3 weeks from here. Apparently there is up to 1000 diffs on backorder. :gooff:

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