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APS Unichip

Guest Modi

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Guest Modi
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Hi guys,

I have a couple of questions regarding the stage 1 APS unichip:

1) If I was to get this chip fitted to my xr6t with no other mods, do you reckon this would void the new car warranty?

2) When taking the car to the Ford workshop for regular servicing would the mechanics there be able to tell the car was chipped? I assume that when they hook the car up to their tuning computers they would get some kind of response that would make them sus that the engine had been modded.

I realise that when you get into serious upgrades youve gotta throw the warranty out the window but I am hoping that minor "stealth" improvements like a chip would be ok.



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I would like to know the answer to that myself. I think the APS unichip comes with a plug in harness so that it can be easily removed come warrenty claim time. Tha car will just default back to normal. As for plugging it back in? Not so sure that is as easy as it sounds.

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Guys this has been discussed many times.

To give you a brief overview. Your warranty id never "void" it can be voided on certain components if it can be PROVEN that a modification caused the problem. By this I mean that a car with APS ECU fitted:

Would still have the full warranty. If the power windows failed or problem with electronics the dealer would need to prove that installing APS directly caused the problems....but If your Diff blew up or gearbox or engine it would be a different story.

The good thing about the APS stage1 kit is it is easy to be removed :thumbsup:

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