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Xenon Headlight conversion kit


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  • Flower Power
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I'm actually interested in this also after reading the entire thread.

I do a load of night time highway driving, infact I love driving highways at night. I find I'm way more alert, and way less bored like during the day.

The only problem I have at night is when I come off highbeams for a couple of seconds I'm blinded, and it slowly gets better over the next five or so mins. Sometimes I dont use high beams at all for this reason.

Shortly I'm getting a nudgebar + spotties (to keep an eye out on the native animals, instead of always hitting them like now) so the transition from all lights on, to just low beams will send me blind for longer. So if there is anything to extend the low beams, I'm all for it legal or not.

The only thing is I don't want to upset the on-comming traffic too much, I know how I feel when I see on-comming bright lights.

The downfall of it would be the price though...maybe there is something cheaper out there.

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  • DavoXT
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I fitted a set of MTEC super white xenon bulbs around six month ago on my BAXTV8 while I was working up north.

I have made two run's to Perth at night and I mean all night, globes are still bright and working well.

Low beam not as good as stock but hight beam is great.

If you have a look from front on they a bloody bright but low beam need more wattage.

The H4 are rated at 55/60w but produce 110/130w 4350k and the H7 are rated at 55w producing 100w 4350k.

These bulbs are are rated in the same class as PIAA in Japan and have a lifetime warranty, will that's what the add said anyway.

At around $35 bucks per pair on e-bay.

Ive posted a photo with the MTEC on the left and the stock on the right.

Edited by DavoXT
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  • zeke
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TELL SOMEONE WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't give a stuff whether your car is legal or not, that's your business. But why pour sh*t on people that do?

I can't afford to take the risk - I've invested too much blood, sweat and tears in securing my current lifestyle to throw it all away. If you can, good for you.

Anyway, I don't see why I have to drive a Camry to be legal. Could probably achieve that in an unmodified Lamborghini, for instance.

Sorry if this is over-reacting. I just get pissed off when people get hostile about a bit of sensible caution.

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Its only a piece of light.....for gods sake :ermm:

Correct Blown ba, it maybe only a piece of light, but is it legal? And am I still covered under Ford warranty? And does it still pass a emmisons test? And will Kirsty find the seats more colder due to the fact that the lights dont draw as much power? And am I breaking any relevant ADR's? Am I still covered under third party and comprehensive insurance? Will my car go faster due to the fact that the alternator wont have as much drag on it? Will I be called a riceboy because my car is no longer standard? Will my car go faster due to the fact that I had to spend money on it? What will the quarter mile times be before and after I change the globes? :spoton::wub::wub::wub:

Once again, the whole legality issue takes over a perfectly good topic. If you dont want them, dont get them. Its a individual thing.

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  • In Your Face
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Once again, the whole legality issue takes over a perfectly good topic. If you dont want them, dont get them. Its a individual thing.

NO NO NO and NO :spoton:

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  • Big Gun
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TELL SOMEONE WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't give a stuff whether your car is legal or not, that's your business. But why pour sh*t on people that do?

I can't afford to take the risk - I've invested too much blood, sweat and tears in securing my current lifestyle to throw it all away. If you can, good for you.

Anyway, I don't see why I have to drive a Camry to be legal. Could probably achieve that in an unmodified Lamborghini, for instance.

Sorry if this is over-reacting. I just get pissed off when people get hostile about a bit of sensible caution.

The thread is about Xenon lights. It got overtaken EXCESSIVELY about ADR's and legalities. I didn't put sh1t on anyone. If you want to talk legalities in such depth, start a (another) thread specifically for it. I will make the choice not to read it. But if I did read it, I wouldn't post an anti-legality remark because I READ THE NAME OF THE TOPIC. I clicked on the Xenon light thread because I was interested in the topic. I didn't want to talk legalities. Either they are illegal or they aren't, that's fine to mention, but the whole thread highjack was too much. I hope this clears up some issues you have Zeke.

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  • In Your Face
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TELL SOMEONE WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't give a stuff whether your car is legal or not, that's your business. But why pour sh*t on people that do?

I can't afford to take the risk - I've invested too much blood, sweat and tears in securing my current lifestyle to throw it all away. If you can, good for you.

Anyway, I don't see why I have to drive a Camry to be legal. Could probably achieve that in an unmodified Lamborghini, for instance.

Sorry if this is over-reacting. I just get pissed off when people get hostile about a bit of sensible caution.

The thread is about Xenon lights. It got overtaken EXCESSIVELY about ADR's and legalities.

Thankyouuu :spoton:

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  • zeke
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On just about any topic, there will be aspects that some people will be very interested in and other people will find the same issues irrelevant. Eg, some will want to discuss cost/value issues, others will be interested in warrantee, appearance, reliability, ease of fitting, availability in the bush etc etc.

So, should people start a new thread for each aspect or should others just learn to tolerate the fact that not every post on a topic will be of interest to them?

And who decides if a particular discussion is "excessive"? I thought it worked itself out naturally - no interest, no posts - some interest, some posts (which some will see as excessive!)

A bit of tolerance of the fact that we don't all see things the same way would be great! Without it, a lot of people will hesitate to post because of the possibility of the sort of reaction this discussion has elicited from those who want the issue of legality quarantined to specific threads.

OK, I expect to cop some flak for this post. But I thought it had to be said and I doubt if I'm the only one who sees it this way.

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