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Novated Lease.


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$468 p/w everything in. Budget 20000ks for tyres, fuel services etc. Residual $19k

after 3 years.Total allowable before chewing into salary $793 p/w, so a little extra pre tax super :yeahyeah:

You get $8oo a week in car expenses and you drive a Typhoon, I love my ford's hence why I own a Ba & BF but jeez if I was getting $$$ like that I'd be straight into a CLK 55 Amg or similar.

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$468 p/w everything in. Budget 20000ks for tyres, fuel services etc. Residual $19k

after 3 years.Total allowable before chewing into salary $793 p/w, so a little extra pre tax super :yeahyeah:

You get $8oo a week in car expenses and you drive a Typhoon, I love my ford's hence why I own a Ba & BF but jeez if I was getting $$$ like that I'd be straight into a CLK 55 Amg or similar.

that's nearly a 40K car allowance / year. Doesent seem right unless he is some high paid manager / director

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Hasn't affected ours. We have the T on a novated lease. Charge everything to a card and then they remove $$ every month before tax and adjust the payments every 3- 6 months if you are under or over.

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So say you go out and get a APS stage 2 kit for the phoon. Do you chrage that to a card or pay it yourself and claim it back?

Pay it myself and remove it at the end of lease and put it on the next Phoon

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