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Cruise to Tasmania


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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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Sounds fantastic, as we all knew it would be. Just a bad time of the year for me to have been able to join you all. Make it an annual event! But not in Nov :smilielol:


100% agree between july and oct would be good :w00t2:


Forget July/ August ............OVERBOOST :gooff:


You'll have to de tune your beast anyway as theres no 98 ron

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Hope you older guys didn't lead Brendan astray.

Missed him again last time through his neck of the woods and was gunna buy some of that there special green glass.

Now I'll hafta make a special trip back down south ta get some.

Dont you go selling it all afore I see's ya Bren....yahere me now?

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Mother (aka JB): Cruise organiser extrodinaire ... Partied every night without fail. Late to bed, early to rise ... no wonder she looks like she's 80 years old. Only managed to pervert me once ... mmm, hate driving with a sore head ... oh, and appologises to who ever the hell it was I was rabbiting on to on the phone?

Happy Birthday ol fella, hope you got the kids safely away when you got home and other domestic business sorted. ;)

Oh, and just a small tip for everyone, when Mother says "turn left", she actually means "turn right, no left, uh, hang on, no right ... ah f*ck it! you read the map Lumpy ..." :banghead:

Phil (aka Lord Cyric): Thank God you were there "Sav-Nav Boy" ... Thanks for pitching in and taking some of the load off Mother. Your directions and leadership were much appreciated, now if you could just stop talking shop for a nano-second ... <_<

Lovely-Boy (aka Voy): I was so glad you could make it my friend. Your quiet persistence, patience and good-humour where one of the high-lights for me. Go Team HgAg and the newly formed 230-Club. :thumbsup:

SWMBO misses you dearly and can't stop friggin blathering on and on and on about how she want's to adopt you ... and the SMS bill from the trip home is going to be a killer ...

Hope my snoring didn't keep you awake on the trip home ... oh, that's right ... we weren't going to mention that whole "sleeping in my cabin" thing, were we? :blush:

Miss you matey ...

Chris & Chris (aka Dankman and Yank): It's a shame you couldn't stay for the whole trip guys. Really enjoyed your company and comments, especially the CB calls by Yank on the runs.

One high-light for me was when Team HgAg showed the others what it really means to love your car by hosting the Team HgAg Show and Shine. Who let Steggels in, by the way?

Wayne & Jodi (aka CashMan): Don't think I've ever met anyone who's so happy all the time ... it's really quite annoying, so ... STOP IT!!

Oh, and Wayne, stop teaching Jodi bad habbits. Towards the end of the trip, she was putting sh*t on me just as much as the others ...

Marcus (aka WhoCarez): Nice to meet you and spend a week getting to know you. Quiet, friendly guy with a permanent grin from ear-to-ear, especially when we stopped after a spirited run.

Lumpy (aka "Hey Lumpy"): How many times do I have to tell you to stay off the beach so Greenpeace doesn't keep trying to put you back into the surf?

"Hey Lumpy" ... "Shuddup" ...

Andy (aka Zathris): The quiet achiever!

I spent a week watching Andy slowly come out of his shell. And what a brilliant butterfly emerged. Onya Andy, looking forward to cruising with you again my fiesty little friend, especially if we can find another GT to race against, eh?

Steggels (aka "Stop ya whinging f*ck-Head"): I've left Ross til last, not cause of the whole "last but not least" thing, just cause that's where he is most comfortable being. Just ask him about the time he was driving the fastest car in the group and was lined up against a slow old HgAg ... and wouldn't even have a go ...

Go on, ask him ... :owned:

The Locals (aka Jeff, Stuart, Neville & Co): Thanks for making our trip all the more exciting by adding local knowledge and experience. Just hope we can repay the favour on a northern cruise some day.

Special thanks to Stuart for letting me drive his new (1300klm) Preciousssss, just so I could sus out the new MkII 6-speed manual. Onya!

I'm soo depressed writing this post, I've tried all day not to think about the trip, but this is forcing me to and I'm genuinely upset that it's over. By no stretch of the imagination, and without doubt, the very best cruise I've ever been on.

Great organisation, great people, great food, great laughs, great memories ... and hopefully soon, great pics.

Those who didn't come will never know just what they missed out on. My advice would be to save your pennies and get your name on the list for the next one ASAP!!!

Now. off to start some independent Tassie-related threads ... :whistle:


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  • voy74656
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U werent supposed to mention the whole cabin thing.... :innocent: now I'm screwed for life...literally!!!!

All I've been able to think about all day is what we achieved on the cruise. I genuinely got to know each and every person who went and I'll remember that more than anything else.

your all awesom ppl and that's the main thing I've taken away from the trip - ive made geniune friends. I would have never thought logging into this forum in november last year that I'd be going on holidays to tasmania with a group of ppl that I'd spoken to online.... its a big stretch for me and it was worth every inch.

U'r all awesom and u should know that I'll look forward to meeting u all again!


now steggles...u know u got owned by HgAg...u just wont admit it!!!! But I was in preeeecious at the time remember and I witnessed the event...and quite frankly....u sucked...even with all that power beneath your feet....u still couldnt beat the mighty HgAg POWER!!!! MWHAHAAA!!!! :w00t2:

mother - go drink your water, but not 2 much or u'll get tipsy :nono: Make sure u water it down with some grapa to dull the taste *shudders* :sick: never again!

Tassie crew - u guys were awesom - it was really cool to get constant info on where we were going and what was of interest there. U guys are awesom and will definately see u all again soon!!! :w00t2:

I was, and still am, sad that its all over - but the hardest part by far was saying goodbye and every1 had to go their seperate ways; that part just SUCKED! :nono: I'm getting all depressed again so I'll move onto sometihng more positive...

ROSS IS :boff: haha!! tis good to have this directed at some1 else for a change :spoton:

oh yes, pics will be coming this sunday cause ive got the day off and will need the whole day to sort through them all. I've got a few addressed to send the dvd's of pics to. If any1 else wants a copy - pm away and when I'm done they'll be in the mail.


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  • I see red
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I've left Ross til last, not cause of the whole "last but not least" thing, just cause that's where he is most comfortable being. Just ask him about the time he was driving the fastest car in the group and was lined up against a slow old HgAg ... and wouldn't even have a go ...

Go on, ask him ...  :spoton:

I'm soo depressed writing this post, I've tried all day not to think about the trip, but this is forcing me to and I'm genuinely upset that it's over. By no stretch of the imagination, and without doubt, the very best cruise I've ever been on.


Don't let the minor details like we were on a public road in peak hour traffic and I was driving somebody elses car at the time get in the way of your so called victory, will you Kent! :w00t2:

Yes, I was very sad to finish the trip too. WOrds can't describe how great it was.

The scenery, the food, the roads and the company (even :w00t2:).

Makes it worse watching the Sunrise show on tv where Grant Denyer is travelling around Tasmania, today he was at Cradle Mountain. :innocent:

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  • Yes I am too tall for my hair
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  • Location: Launceston Tasmania.

here we go just a couple of pictures of the T's didnt get any of the veiws roads etc see them all the time.


and some rear ends

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Is it ok for a grown man to cry in public. :spoton: I want back in Tassie NOW!

Myself and the Canadian had a rapid tissue depleating time. Most of the runs we had I need a smoke also. :w00t2:

Mother (JB) could you have planned a more perfect route and holiday?

The company we kept, whilst questionable at some points :lol: was excelent. You were all great, supportive and most importantly, didnt let anything get in the way of a good laugh or time.

Some of the time we were cruising, I'd have to back off from laughing so hard from the repartee over the CB. As a group at dinner, lunch and breaky your were all worse, I'm pretty sure the other Chris had milk streaming out his nose at one point :spoton:

It was such a shame we had to come home early. The trip home up the humorless was boring as batsh*t and certainly non enjoyable without you guys to keep things interesting.

I certainly wont hesitate to tell work to 'stick it' next time, nor would I hesitate heading off to a far away land with you lot again either.

Whens the next one? :msm:

Are we there yet?

How 'bout now?

Is now good?

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May as well throw in a few piccies while I'm at it.

Slowly Boxing them in.... GO TEAM HGAG!


From out the drivers side window


The view you guys missed on Thursday morning from Mt Wellington.


Second view from Mt Wellington.... Where did Hobart go?


One for Cro :spoton: Kangas lift your car if it's in the way now :spoton:


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  • Yes I am too tall for my hair
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  • Member For: 20y 5m 11d
  • Location: Launceston Tasmania.

here we go just a couple of pictures of the T's didnt get any of the veiws roads etc see them all the time. :lol:

post-5348-1101769333_thumb.jpg post-5348-1101768016_thumb.jpg

here you go. this is what happens at crade mountain when its cold,June-July.

food for thought and that's the old xr8 mmm winter white :spoton:


are we there yet !! :spoton:



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