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Cruise to Tasmania


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Hey say hello to all my brothers while you are down there and all you single blokes leave my sisters alone :lol: ahh my old home.

I would be coming with you but I have my T booked on the boat on December 21. Im going back to have xmas with the rellies. I cannot wait to get my T on the 3 passes heading to the east coast. Weldborough, St Marys and Elephant passes. If you are going on these roads make sure you get a feed of pancakes at the top of the Elephant pass. :spoton:

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  • Member For: 20y 11m 27d
  • Location: llandaff, tasmania
2. If you don't have a UHF CB Radio, we thoroughly recommend you buy or borrow a good unit for the cruise. Aside from the hilarious chatter that goes on during any FordXR6Turbo.com cruise, it will be our primary means of communication when on the road.

Any recommended brand, estimate cost etc. If it is affordable, I'll get it otherwise, gonna have to use my mobile

I personally recommend the Uniden UH-044XR 2W 40Ch UHF Handheld CB. Great unit with excellent range. One will cost you $168, but if you visit your local DSE shop and ask for the UH-044XR Bonus Pack (Part# D1771C) you will get a Speaker/Mic with it for free. Also recommend you get a pack of 1800mHa AA Rechargable Batteries also.

A cheaper unit is the Uniden UH-036. You pickup two from DSE for $58, but they are only a 500mW unit. The UH-041 is a 1W handheld you can grab for $78.83.


What sort of range do these handheld units have do they a reasonable job , I've never had anything to do with UHF radios so I don't know. I'm going to have to buy one this week, I didn't realise they were needed.

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  • Member For: 20y 11m 27d
  • Location: llandaff, tasmania
Hey say hello to all my brothers while you are down there and all you single blokes leave my sisters alone  :lol:  ahh my old home.

I would be coming with you but I have my T booked on the boat on December 21. Im going back to have xmas with the rellies. I cannot wait to get my T on the 3 passes heading to the east coast. Weldborough, St Marys and Elephant passes. If you are going on these roads make sure you get a feed of pancakes at the top of the Elephant pass. :spoton:


Where do your rellies live citric acid xr6t, you sound not very far from me going down through them roads to see them. I'm 12 kays south of Bicheno on the tasman hwy

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  • Flower Power
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2. If you don't have a UHF CB Radio, we thoroughly recommend you buy or borrow a good unit for the cruise. Aside from the hilarious chatter that goes on during any FordXR6Turbo.com cruise, it will be our primary means of communication when on the road.

Any recommended brand, estimate cost etc. If it is affordable, I'll get it otherwise, gonna have to use my mobile

I personally recommend the Uniden UH-044XR 2W 40Ch UHF Handheld CB. Great unit with excellent range. One will cost you $168, but if you visit your local DSE shop and ask for the UH-044XR Bonus Pack (Part# D1771C) you will get a Speaker/Mic with it for free. Also recommend you get a pack of 1800mHa AA Rechargable Batteries also.

A cheaper unit is the Uniden UH-036. You pickup two from DSE for $58, but they are only a 500mW unit. The UH-041 is a 1W handheld you can grab for $78.83.


What sort of range do these handheld units have do they a reasonable job , I've never had anything to do with UHF radios so I don't know. I'm going to have to buy one this week, I didn't realise they were needed.


They are all sh*t.

The 2watt will give you about 3km - 8km MAX line of sight range, 500mw as low as 500metres in some places.

If you want a decent one, go the UH-075 5watt hand held, 8kms range, 12kms max line of site, or an in-car 5watter with 6db aerial. Get a good 30kms out of it then.

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  • voy74656
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Hobbit is missing....police have been called. His parents are worried....I'm beside myself.

What can I do to find him!!! If anyone out there knows that I can do to help find him lemme know....NOW!!!!


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If vik wants to come...he's welcome 2...I've got a spare ticket that's not going to be used....paid for......otherwise its wasted.

If any1 couldnt get a ticket in time - or wants to bring some1 extra. Lemme know!



Thanks alot :nono: invite me to come one minute,next minute your trying to off load the freaking ticket.

I would have gladly gone along BUT :spoton: youve hurt my feelings now,Im not made of stone you know(sob) Would have bin good to meet you all(sob)We will have that drink one day ducatijb(sob) coulda been this chrisi too,but thanks to vovo that's out the window(sob)

Ill just go and have a lay down now(sob)think about what could have been(sob)

When you all get back and no longer find me here,try Centenial Park(sob)

A shattered vik(sob)

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  • I see red
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What can I do to find him!!! If anyone out there knows that I can do to help find him lemme know....NOW!!!!



Have you tried putting a tray of Lamingtons out for him? :nono: :lol:

Or maybe a leather g-string on a life size pic of Kenny out in the front garden? :spoton:

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What can I do to find him!!! If anyone out there knows that I can do to help find him lemme know....NOW!!!!



Have you tried putting a tray of Lamingtons out for him? :spoton: :lol:

Or maybe a leather g-string on a life size pic of Kenny out in the front garden? :sleepystuff:


Now your talkin baby,wad a hoot

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