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Replacing fog lamp bulb


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  • Member For: 21y 8m 15d
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Does anyone know how to replace the bulb in the fog lamp?

The 2nd step in the manual is to “remove the lower air deflector”. What is this?

I can just see a hole under the front spoiler (underneath the car) that’s directly in-line with the fog lamp. Am I supposed un-screw something?

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Guest Scootre
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The lower air deflector, I think, is the big black sheet inside the front spoiler.

Why are you trying to change it anyway? Correct me if I'm wrong, but blown head/tail lamp globes are covered under warranty aren't they?

On a different note... apparently, to remove the entire lens assy, they have to remove the front spoiler. Well planned, eh?

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 13d
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get the dealer to do it.

The hole you see is an adjustment hole that allows you to align the fog lamp.

The black/grey plastic sheet that covers the bottom of your engine needs to be removed. A lot of those plastic screws and a few small bolts. Because it sits on the inside lip of the front spoiler it is quite difficult to remove. Unless you put the car on stands or have a pit or hoist it is near impossible to get the right angle to do it yourself.

The fog lamp is just pushed into some plastic guides and is a tight fit. You can actually do it without removing the front skirt but again it is very tight and you need to be as flexible as the rubber man.

I have done this myself and will never do it again. Too much of a hassle. I had a big stone break one of my lamps and decided to replace it myself. Next time the dealer get the job.

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Why are you trying to change it anyway? Correct me if I'm wrong, but blown head/tail lamp globes are covered under warranty aren't they?

If it has blown due to normal wear and tear, generally, the customer coughs up, but if its blown due to a electrical problem, then that's warranty all the way. :gasthrower:

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I also heard if you hit the brakes hard enough they will just fall out :lol:

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Guest FatBAt
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I replaced all my front globes with Phillips Clear Vision. Took the car down to the local mechanic to put the car on the hoist :crybaby: cause we couldn't undo the air deflector. Too low.

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  • Member For: 21y 2m
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I also heard if you hit the brakes hard enough they will just fall out :lol:

ill agree with that but you need to combine it with serious break shudder at about 110km/h :kiss::nono:

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  • Moderating Team
  • Member For: 22y 1m
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I also heard if you hit the brakes hard enough they will just fall out :lol:

Nup, ill disagree with that one. With the brakes on my car, the clamping pressure is certainly a lot higher, and ive jumped on my brakes hard, and the fog lights are still where they should be.... :lol:

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