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Rapid Clicking Sound

Guest dingah

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Guest dingah
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Fearing some of the less than useful comments this might generate has anyone any knowledge, experience or suggestions for the source/cause of an audible, but not loud (only hear it with windows up, door closed and radio turned down or off below about 80kph to avoid road noise) ra[id tickeing sound directly in front of the driver behind the dash or firewall (difficult to determine) that starts at exactly 1350 RPM REGARDLESS of what is switched on or off, regardless of gear selected, roadspeed, under run or overun, loaded up or not. It is a sound like the injector rail but fiantger, lectro mechnaical not a vibration and is is persistent. From the daye of ourchase troughout the last 3000km run-in trip to QLD and return. Bloody annoying, the only cure being turning up the sound system. Listeneing intently unde rthe boonet reveals nothing, all leads, connections etc tight and checked......Any suggestions??


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I would check for stone or nail in the tyre (same happend to me)

or it may be the fuel pump

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I had a ticking sound too. It was a screw in the tyre hitting the tram tracks. Unfortunately the tyre was flat the next day. :(

Geea. :birthdaywish:

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Guest dingah
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It dowes it at fast idle or whenever at or beyond exactly 1350 RPM standing still or at speed, therefore nothing to do with tyres and is exactly from in front of the driver but behind the instrument panel. WHat specifically comes 'on-line at 13500 RPM??

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  • No boost, no bottle, just my foot on the throttle!
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it could be a turbo problem.

chipped impeller ?

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Guest dingah
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Sound level does not increase with revs but speed of ticking does - the chipped impeller has been going around in my mind too, but why at 1350 RPM onwards? Once the ticking starts it's there throughout the rev range. Also Doesn't the impeller rotate considerably faster than the engine RPM and therefore would a chipped impeller be more of a whine at high speed?......

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Guest phantom t
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Dingah check all the grommets in the firewall. Noise could be injector but will travel into cab if a grommet is dislodged.


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Guest dingah
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Thanks Andy.

Just checked every single grommet as suggested and ensured all resealed and the high rate clicking is still there - almost like an electrical relay fluttering whch makes it sound like a close up sound of an injector rail. The fact that no one can hear anything unusual under the bonnet and that when inside the engine is REALLY quiet with the exception of this noise makes me start to think that it is the driver's side of the firewall. It's as though it is sighted directly above one's right foot (if foot is on the accelerator pedal)behind the instrument panel(?) and I now wonder what electrical mungus dungus is oscillating to cause this to happen. As said before it kicks in a precisely 1350RPM and the rate or volume does not change throughout the rev range whether standing still or driving.

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Guest dingah
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All gone thanks to a very swift diagnosis by the genius boy at Ming Automotive. Quickly tracked it down to the boost control relay pressed up against the chassis transmitting all of its oscillations throughout the car.


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