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APS Power/Torque/Price numbers

Dr Z

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This first post is a short summary of APS Power/Torque/Price numbers for STREET LEGAL* modifications to the Ford BA Falcon XR6 Turbo. For more detailed information about APS products, visit the APS website located HERE. This first post will continue to be updated as numbers change over time.

In many different places one may find APS Power, Torque and Price numbers. Using the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid), I thought it may be a good idea to put all these numbers in the one place and have Peter confirm them for us. :dohdoh:

This way, if and when any of these numbers change in future, we could update this one thread as the "official" source of information rather than rely on information that may be scattered all over the place or outdated, for example old APS Phase I versus new APS Phase I etc. All new questions about APS Power/Torque/Price numbers could then be referred to this thread and it will make life easier for all of us.

This is my understanding of the APS Power, Torque and Price numbers based on information sourced from APS web pages, Motor magazine, and Peter from APS. While the Power figures are easy to find, the Torque figures are less easy to find given that the Dyno graphs on the APS Web pages are measured as Tractive Effort rather than in Nm. I have also listed the stock unmodified numbers of the XR6T as a means of comparison. Numbers listed in yellow are confirmed numbers, though they still could change at a later time, while non-yellow numbers require confirmation from Peter.

Prices last updated September 16, 2004.

1. All APS prices includes installation, tuning and GST.

2. APS recommends that stronger valve springs are utilised on all phased systems as the performance of the stock Ford valve springs vary so greatly from engine to engine.

3. All Chassis Dyno figures are estimated outputs for a manual transmission with Shoot 6 on 98 RON fuel.

Ford BA Falcon XR6 Turbo stock (unmodified):

Maximum Power: 240kW @ 5250rpm

Maximum rwkW: 175-215kW

Maximum Torque: 450Nm @ 2000-4500rpm

Total Price: $45,085

Ford BA Falcon XR6 Turbo with APS Phase I:

Maximum Power: 300kW @ 5200rpm

Maximum rwkW: 230-250kW

Maximum Torque: 535Nm @ 4000rpm

Total Price: $47,681 = $45,085 + $2,596

Ford BA Falcon XR6 Turbo with APS Phase II:

Maximum Power: 330kW @ 5500rpm

Maximum rwkW: 260-280kW

Maximum Torque: 603Nm @ 4300rpm

Total Price: $49,650 = $45,085 + $4,565 *** Recent Price Reduction ***

Ford BA Falcon XR6 Turbo with APS Phase III:

Maximum Power: 390kW @ 5600rpm

Maximum rwkW: 320-340kW

Maximum Torque: 706Nm @ 4500rpm

Total Price: $54,314 = $45,085 + $9,229 *** Recent Price Reduction ***

Note: The Autumn 2004 "Hot Tuner" Motor magazine shows Maximum Power of the 307km/hr APS Phase III XR6T as an estimated 400kW @ 5700rpm with Maximum Torque estimated at 700Nm @ 3000-4000rpm. The maximum rwkW was also listed between 345-355 rwkW in the dyno runs. However, as a testing vehicle this vehicle may be a "special" case so numbers relating to the 390kW Power level are shown here.

Approximate additional costs:

Valve springs (recommended for APS Phase I, II and III systems): $880

Automatic transmission upgrade (recommended for APS Phase II and III): $700 {minimum price, depending on Automatic transmission condition}

Engineering certificate (recommended for keeping modifications legal): $700

* Note: Issues relating to legality and insurance have been extensively discussed by forum members in a number of places, including HERE. Take note that APS information regarding legality may be found HERE.

As Ford BA Falcon XR6 Turbo car enthusiasts, I hope you find this summary information a useful starting point for asking Peter any questions about how APS can add more value to your driving experience.

Safe and happy driving...Dr Z. :dohdoh:

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Love your work Dr Z but,

I think that you'll find that phase 1 rwkw figure is overstated.

Scotty CCC

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Love your work Dr Z but,

I think that you'll find that phase 1 rwkw figure is overstated.

Scotty CCC

the st 1 kit now includes new injectors

Dankmans Hgag ran 242rwkw with the st 1

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Good idea Dr Z. You certainly put a lot of effort into your posts. How about one for the Nizpro/chiptorque guys? This would be very usefull for comparison purposes to help people make an educated descision. Love your work.


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I would prefer to see average power by transmission type for the different configerations and trannies for both Tuning houses as this is more represenative of what is out there.

eg based on what is quoted ie stage 2 275 - 285 ( and these would probably be manuals ) , you probably would not be happy with achieving 243 rwkw in an auto

if you were expecting up to 40 rwkw more. average is probably more like 265 rwkw

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Excellent ideas and contributions everyone and I agree with Geeseman about "keepin' it real". No doubt we can all contribute to "keepin' it real" with our own results. Still, it may be interesting to show "claimed" or "expected" results and then list the "real" results next to it. :k24t:

It would be great to see this summary prepared for other suppliers too. I do not have enough information about other suppliers to do that, so if anyone could help there, that would be really appreciated, but obviously not here but in the their respective places on the forum. Also, if we do this and keep our summary presentations consistent, that would make it easier for comparison as well.

Keep sharing those contributions and your own "real" numbers. :msm:

Safe and happy driving...Dr Z. :huh:

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