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Digital TV for Ford ICC


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I'd like the instructions but that's because I enjoy that sort of stuff and it's also the way these things are improved apon.

I'm sure you'll have a lot of takers for something ready to go at the $100 mark.

Maybe offering a kit of parts for a little less is also worth considering for those with some soldering skills?

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Just a pic to show how far some of this can be taken...

This is all the stuff to make an automagically controlled interface - capable of detecting SCART signals, repeating the IR signal (ie retransmitting) and coexisting with Factory SatNav....

I do know that to buy all the components (plugs + sockets inclusive) retail the cost is about $100AUD plus assembly...  Are people interested in instructions for making something that costs so much?  Or are people happier with a $100 product readymade?

Long way to go with ideas testing still before anything comes out... Oh I wish I had a garage again :(



I followed your DYI aux imput and thought the whole concept was great. I think a premade thing is a great idea and also some instructions for those that want to DYI is a good idea too.

Geea. :bowdown:

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it's actually a gutted Antsig caravan antenna which has been reworked to suit this application. I got it from Kmart for $55. I'll post up a pic when I get a chance.


Hey xlnt6,

Good to see you have your tv up and running. I also use the gutted caravan antenna, it seems the best option so far :spoton: I haven't had any spare time to 'tweak' the antenna due to an enormous amount of travel for work :spoton:

I'm looking forward to seeing details on your auto switching option. Good work!

For those that are just catching this thread, you will find some additional info re the TEAC remote control connection within a seperate thread within this forum.



Edited by cutsnake
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Hey All,

Here's a copy of the circuit (refer attachment) for the auto switch control that I have implemented. It is specific for the Teac DVB400 STB only, and requires you to solder wires to the existing front control board in the DVB400. If you don't want to void the DVB400 warranty, don't do this. The extra outputs (one for the IR and one for the control/enable signal were fed out the side of the DVB400 thru the existing slotted holes and a two pin connector added. You could put a panel mounted connector on the back if you wanted, I didn't bother. This circuit doesn't use the SCART connector at all, as I figured it was simpler doing it this way. All up cost of the circuit is under $10 (parts from Jaycar or Dicksmith, or just out of my junkbox in my case !!).

I added a jumper J1 for selecting between the Teac IR or the Ford IR for testing purposes (this isn't necessary if you couldn't be bothered, just use the Ford IR option and wire it directly). Also a sketch of the back of the Teac DVB400 front control panel is provided so you know where to tap of the required signals, etc. I assembled the circuit on a bit of veroboard I had lying around and then double sided taped it onto the Teac DVB400 main board inside the unit.

It works by using the green LED signal on the front panel. This turns on when you switch on the STB via the remote. It also toggles when you push any button on the remote, so it needed a de-bounce circuit added to stop it dropping out (ie C1 and R2). The transistor turns on and the relay is enabled. Dead F... simple.

I'll try an get a few pics posted up of the inside of the Teac DVB400 and also of the antenna I use.

Now I hope this attachment thing works.....



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I was gonna offer to do it for you if I every see you again but I aint to sure about getting a lap dance form you. No wonder nobody has taken you up on your offer. :smilielol:


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I was gonna offer to do it for you if I every see you again but I aint to sure about getting a lap dance form you. No wonder nobody has taken you up on your offer.  :smilielol:



Well if me doing lapdances doesn't appeal I could use cash I suppose. Lapdances are much more fun though.

I'll be in Sydney early January, just tell me what I need to bring. :smilielol:

Geea. :w00t2:

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Just a pic to show how far some of this can be taken...

This is all the stuff to make an automagically controlled interface - capable of detecting SCART signals, repeating the IR signal (ie retransmitting) and coexisting with Factory SatNav....

I do know that to buy all the components (plugs + sockets inclusive) retail the cost is about $100AUD plus assembly...  Are people interested in instructions for making something that costs so much?  Or are people happier with a $100 product readymade?

Long way to go with ideas testing still before anything comes out... Oh I wish I had a garage again :(




Mate I think would be interested in the pre-assembled loom. If you wre tomake them what do I need also? Just the AUX input and the STB?

So would it be $100 assembled or a little more. Once you work it out let us know, you might have a quick money spinner on your hands mate.

Also would a CB type antena work at all?

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Firstly; should my project make it to market it won't be advertised here (rules are rules)

Secondly; development is going real slow. I have built a couple of widgets to simulate a few things which makes it easier for me to test results but considering I can only work on the car in a basement carpark with no power or lighting around.....And as I keep reiterating STBs are not my thing, and I don't actually have one.... I'm working on a SCART based device, so that any RGB SCART compliant device that can output a NTSC widesceen signal will work.....

Thirdly; Instructions will go up for the basic stuff, most of the notes available online were lost in the Fordmods.com crash and I do want to get at least the basics back up again. This does come down to time though... I currently work 2 jobs, and am trying to grow my own business as well which means development takes the 4th priority, doco comes a fair way down the line.

Now with all that out of the way....

I can confirm somethings:

Aerpro connectors are an exact match, but as they retail for between $19 and $30 each the wrecker is a cheaper option. The plug to fit into the ICC is Aerpro "711761" and suits the 1987 up Toyotas, you want the factory plug replacement not the more common socket version that plugs into the factory loom.

AUX audio input volume levels remain an "issue". Hardcore option is to tap some power form the moblie phone connector and then put in a preamp...

AUX audio loon (where the 2.8mm spades plug in under the dash) happens to use the females version of the 'other' plug that comes in the Aerpro "711761" pack. This means you can get a socket to piggy back SatNav, a socket to connect to the AUX audio and a plug to plug into the ICC by buying these two Aerpro packs. Not cheap but damn easy.

Mobile phone uses easier to get plugs so it's a no brainer.

IR repeater, rather than cut up your device I figured an IR reater would be a nice thing to build in, they're pretty straight forward so that's easy - you'd think. Well there's a compatibility issue between some IR setups and some repeater designs... I don't know what type the BA SatNav option uses....

Auto-Enable.... Are all SCART devices properly compliant witht eh standard to trigger the "tv device?" - it seems most are but many aren't 'true' RGB either..... This will end up being a case of buyer beware - much like the NTSC problem.

Buffering, protection and blowing up the ICC....this is the hard bit ;) I don't think anyones done it yet but in theory it's possible to fry the ICC input...


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Here two pics of the inside of the TEac DVB400 after I added the auto switcher circuit. It's on a speperate board which is double sided taped down to the main board. This can be easily removed at a later date is you wish, as it doesn't require the cutting of any tracks etc.

I'll post a few pics of the installed DVB400 and the antenna next.





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