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Digital TV for Ford ICC


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After reading all of this I still have no fu#king idea :kissmy: how to put a tv in my T,I will buy all the gear needed to fit one,and I will pay someone say $200 to install the thing! Any takers.


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Well soughted out the reception problem with the box. as was said a box reset was all it needed the only problem last night was that I didn't have the remote, but now I do so it is all good.

Has anyone got anymore ideas on antennas yet? also does anyone know of a cheap dvd player the will hook straight in with a scart connector.

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  • I see red
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Has anyone got anymore ideas on antennas yet?


Forerunner (Peter) has a good one with his system, sticks to inside of rear window and is quite stealth. Can't remember the brand though (could of been mentioned already in this thread but I can't BF looking!). Send him a message and when he returns from Tassie next week I'm sure he will give you all the details you need.

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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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After reading all of this I still have no fu#king idea  :spit:  how to put a tv in my T,I will buy all the gear needed to fit one,and I will pay someone say $200 to install the thing! Any takers.


that's the idea. I would love it in my car but have NFI actually.

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Help!!!!!!!!!!!! I have wired in a dvb400 set top box to the icc. Last night I plugged it in and had a picture but it was scrolling as it was still in pal. Went o the teac site a nd downloaded the software to change to ntsc and also got the upgrade version v1.04. Firdt downloade the upgrade then the ntsc file to the box. now I have no reception and when I put into pal with the v1.04 there is still no reception on my home tv. Is there software to fix this. need help desperately


U just need to plug it back and and do a fullreset inside the box then research all the channels. Mine did the same thing. Just need to reset the channel search thingy!!


I tried getting this up and running a few months ago and despite some assistance from cutsnake (very helpful) I could only get a scrolling picture .

Whats this about a "fullreset inside the box" ? I'm using the normande unit if that makes any difference.

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Guest Cameron_S
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I tried getting this up and running a few months ago and despite some assistance from cutsnake (very helpful) I could only get a scrolling picture .

Whats this about a "fullreset inside the box" ? I'm using the normande unit if that makes any difference.


how do you find the Normende unit? (apart from your obvious scrolling picture prob.).. I've been considering buying this one too. Mainly because it's 12v and quite small. I'm hoping video output won't be a problem for me, as I'm getting a DVD head unit fitted anyway which requires a composite to RGB adaptor and I'm kinda hoping that by using the aux. input on the DVD head unit for my digital tv (via composite) that the signal will get converted to NTSC somewhere along the line! :spoton: (Or is this just wishful thinking? Will I still need one that forces NTSC output and does the Normende do it?

Edited by Cameron_S
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I tried getting this up and running a few months ago and despite some assistance from cutsnake (very helpful) I could only get a scrolling picture .

Whats this about a "fullreset inside the box" ? I'm using the normande unit if that makes any difference.


how do you find the Normende unit? (apart from your obvious scrolling picture prob.).. I've been considering buying this one too. Mainly because it's 12v and quite small. I'm hoping video output won't be a problem for me, as I'm getting a DVD head unit fitted anyway which requires a composite to RGB adaptor and I'm kinda hoping that by using the aux. input on the DVD head unit for my digital tv (via composite) that the signal will get converted to NTSC somewhere along the line! :unsure: (Or is this just wishful thinking? Will I still need one that forces NTSC output and does the Normende do it?


Cutsnake put me onto the Normande (myer megamart in Perth)because a mate of his had success with it as it does have the option of switching to NTSC.

When I say scrolling I mean to the degree that you cant see a thing other than the menu or a message that says no signal. Chances are that I've wired it up incorrectly however I tried a number of times following cutsnakes editorial which is pretty straight fwd.

IH8PORK, happy to let you know if get it sorted however chances are that that wo'nt happen until someone comes to the rescue.

Perhaps if enough of us are interested we could chip in to fly cutsnake over , put him up at a swish hotel and hold a joint DIY BA tele workshop. :laughing:

........hold that that's not such a bad idea , are you there cutsnake:spoton:

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