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Cdaa's Test Drive In The Ss


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Ok, finally I’ve reached the last contender in my car test drives. As most of you know I driven and reviewed the BA XR6T, XR8 and VY SV8 in the last couple of weeks. Well today I was treated to a jet black, fully optioned VY SS manual.

The VY SS in black must be the most attractive colour in that shape in my opinion. I am not a fan of some of the more recent styling cues of these cars, however in black duco, I simply forgot about my hang-ups with them. Build quality was also much better on this SS, in contrast to the poor effort made on the SV8 I drove. I’m not sure why this was; however I am not complaining. The SS 18” rims look superb on this car and were just as good as the XR 18”’s. The fact that they come as standard was even more appealing and I would like to see Ford adopt the same strategy in future.

The interior of the SS was superior to the SV8, however I’m not just referring to feature differences here; I’m taking about console finish, the instrument cluster and minor fittings. These maybe small items to some, however it made a very relevant impression on me. The leather seats on the SS were form fitting and ‘Recaro’ like. My only real complaint was the quality of the leather, as it felt cheap and thick like a discounted lounge soafer.

Putting the 6 speed into gear…

Richard (the sales guy), like all the other dealers drove the car out of the yard to show me all the features, functions and to prepare me the dominant thrust of the 235kw engine. At this point he was unaware that I had driven the XR6T or the XR8. The first thing I noticed was the exhaust note over the previous auto SV8. In manual trim, the exhaust sound was more evident and upon acceleration the noise rose to a soft, however flat deep tone.

Richard explained to me that the 18” on the SS gave a slightly harder ride and indeed he was right. Though I remember experiencing this with my aftermarket lowered AU XR8, I felt nothing of the sort with either BA XR’s riding on similar 18” low profile tyres. In fact on a slight bumpy road the car felt just a little unstable.

Richard finally parked the car and allowed me the driving position. Behind the wheel, I felt comfortable, although I sat a little lower than the XR’s. Driving around the back streets, the steering like the SV8 was direct and crisp. The gearbox feeling was good and reminded me more of the XR8 rather than the Turbo, however in saying this, the XR8 had a more positive notchy feel to it.

In small bursts the pull from the car and the overall refinement of the engine was noticeably harsh in stark comparison to either XR’s, especially the 8. I’ve read about this harshness in recent media reviews, however I thought it would not be something ‘I’ an average bloke would actually notice.

Once we got out on to the highway I was invited to stretch her legs ( I didn’t need to be asked twice!!). We’ll I guess like the XR8, I was expecting a lot from this car and I was prepared to put it through it's passes. I tried all different things, hard take off’s from 1st, drop backs to 2nd, accelerating hard in 2nd and 3rd etc, etc... The SS is capable, yes, strong when pushed …and I mean pushed, however a ‘kick in the guts’ or ‘sling shot’ performer this car as not.

Summary Folks…

At this point it was clear to me that the XR8, considering it’s weight was ahead in my books in terms of ‘seat of you pants’ grunt, refinement and driveability. I don’t even want to bring the Turbo into this comparison. The XR8 was much stronger and felt faster, even if the reviews state that may not be the case. Interior of the BA was better, however not so much so over the SS that it be a turning factor for me.

In this case the more I drove the SS, the more I loved the XR’s. Its not that the SS was some kind of dog, I actually have more respect for it now than I ever had before. It is a fine machine indeed and a great competitor for the likes of an AU3 XR8 in terms of drivability anyway. But the VYSS I drove today was no match for the Barra’s based on my experience today.

If I was in the market for a new car this time last year, the Ford's may have been in trouble. I’m pleased to say that this year that is simply not the case. Thanks to Richard for being a top bloke. I hope Expensive Daewoo appreciate him.



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Guest esky
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The SS is a nice car. If it wasn't for the BA, my bum could have found a home is a SS.

You didn't mention how much oil you went through during your test drive. :unsure: could not resist. LS1 drinks as much oil as my roatry. hehe

good review


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dude do u write for a magazine or something? that article was really good. finding the good points and the bad points for each car, very informative and not biased. after driving all 3, which one would u have? :unsure:

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  • Member For: 22y 3m 25d
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dude do u write for a magazine or something?  that article was really good.  finding the good points and the bad points for each car, very informative and not biased.  after driving all 3,  which one would u have? :unsure:

Thanks for the compliment. I do write media PR articles for my company and our clients, but that's about it.

After driving all four (XR6T, XR8, SV8 and SS), The stand out performer in terms of value and fun was indeed the XR6T with the XR8 very, very close behind. If I had to order today it would be the XR8 as the V8 felt stronger to me and accommodates the silly need I seem to have for a V8. (I've had a lot of them).

The cheapest car out of the comparison was the SV8, however I personally wouldn't touch one of these for $45k on road. All three other options, the 2 XR's and the SS offer so much more and are well worth the extra money.

If I only had $45k to play with, I would rather pick up a VX SS or an XT 5.4 with change.

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  • Member For: 22y 24d
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dude do u write for a magazine or something?  that article was really good.  finding the good points and the bad points for each car, very informative and not biased.  after driving all 3,  which one would u have? :unsure:

Thanks for the compliment. I do write media PR articles for my company and our clients, but that's about it.

After driving all four (XR6T, XR8, SV8 and SS), The stand out performer in terms of value and fun was indeed the XR6T with the XR8 very, very close behind. If I had to order today it would be the XR8 as the V8 felt stronger to me and accommodates the silly need I seem to have for a V8. (I've had a lot of them).

The cheapest car out of the comparison was the SV8, however I personally wouldn't touch one of these for $45k on road. All three other options, the 2 XR's and the SS offer so much more and are well worth the extra money.

If I only had $45k to play with, I would rather pick up a VX SS or an XT 5.4 with change.

CD, You realise , that you'd be "murdering" money, going for a VX SS or a XT V8?.. The resale , down the track on an XR6T OR a XR8 is going to be miles in front of both at your 45k figure !!.... I'm not into real estate, superannuation, money laundrying etc, BUT, THIS time I believe , Ford has produced a car that, while not appreciating, Will hold it's "true" value over 3 years?.. This time next year, I suspect , a new XR6T, will retail for 54..55 k?... A 2nd hand, low k's 2003 XR6T , maybe 40--41k??... What price a VXSS Feb next year?? Hmmm.......maybe 30- 32k?

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Mate your reviews are fantastic, l think Motor need to hire you. Informative and fun without the sometimes crass humour Motor rely on to keep your interest.

l cant wait for your GT review, l will be most interested to hear your thoughts as not many peolpe would have driven back to back an XR6T, XR8, SV8, SS and GT. When have you got your test drive booked?

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  • Member For: 22y 3m 25d
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Mate your reviews are fantastic, l think Motor need to hire you. Informative and fun without the sometimes crass humour Motor rely on to keep your interest.

l cant wait for your GT review, l will be most interested to hear your thoughts as not many peolpe would have driven back to back an XR6T, XR8, SV8, SS and GT. When have you got your test drive booked?

Thanks Mondie!!

I haven't got a GT test drive booked in yet. My local dealer isn't confident of getting one in the near future. When they start appearing at the dealers I will definitely take one for a spin.

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  • Member For: 22y 3m 25d
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CD, You realise , that you'd be "murdering" money, going for a VX SS or a XT V8?.. The resale , down the track on an XR6T OR a XR8 is going to be miles in front of both at your 45k figure !!.... I'm not into real estate, superannuation, money laundrying etc, BUT, THIS time I believe , Ford has produced a car that, while not appreciating, Will hold it's "true" value over 3 years?.. This time next year, I suspect , a new XR6T, will retail for 54..55 k?... A 2nd hand, low k's 2003 XR6T , maybe 40--41k??... What price a VXSS Feb next year?? Hmmm.......maybe 30- 32k?

Hey Charliewool,

I agree with you regarding resale of the XR6T or XR8. My comments were only in reference to the 'If I only had $45k’ scenario. The XR6T on road is unfortunately more than $45k. From an investor point of view almost every car is a liability, not an asset and should be treated as such IMO. At the end of the day you should buy what you want within the range you can afford (emotional buy), because buying a car in general makes poor financial sense. Cars are just something we all want and need.

I personally would make the stretch to the Turbo, SS, XR8 or even the GT.

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  • Member For: 22y 24d
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CD, Can't argue with that!!... Our love of cars & our financial commonsense are a never to be solved enigma!.. Boys & their toys syndrome, eh?.... Anyhow, you reviews are a pleasure to read ... And, I too can't wait to hear your GT review!.... If you need to do a Pursuit Vs Maloo one, You are more then welcome, when mine finally arrives!......

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