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the plastic bosch valve actually holds boost better than some of the aftermarket valves up until about 15psi from memory.

my friend has a 9 sec drag car and uses 2 of them on it and has only had to replace one of them in the 6 years he has raced it.

As for noisyness of them I drive a manual typhoon and I hardly ever hear may valve go off and it is only when I need to back off suddenly unhder full boost it usually here it.

A lot of it is how you drive as to how loud it is. when I had my GT forester and it was an manual press button shifted auto I had a blow off valve to atmospere and I would never here it go off because of the quick gearbox changes. but on down shifting while just coming off bosst it was deafing due to the valve having to open fully to get rid of the 20Psi of boost pressure.

Hope this helps a little.

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hey any of u blokes used the gear off ebay monster performance etc I just braught a bov and not sure what its gunna be like any good

I had one on my car for a month then put stock back on ......sounded like a riceburner

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  • 7 months later...
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The xr6t BOV will make a sound, but it is nothing like you hear on the ricers, if your T is an auto you wont hear it that often though, cant speak for a manual. But they do good things for preserving the life of your turbo. The xr6t unit is known as a plumb back style BOV.

Trick with the auto is using it in the semi-automatic setting. Revs aren't tied to boost, so getting a good flutter or spool up is based more on chance and a butterfly flapping it's wings in China. Nah, seriously, I've been reading every thread I can find on this subject, and opinions are massively varied. Our cars stock sounds pretty piss weak, we're not wogs so we lack the attunement with the car gods to make our cars sound awesome.

Although first gear will produce some awesomeness as far as being a complete cockhead and making pointless noise goes, which let's face it, as much as most people bag out on all of us do at times. Really good spool up and blow off into seconds can be reached if you tap the gas twice, I've found (protip from a dodgy used car salesman wog mate) in semi auto mode. First tap causes a faux-induction of sorts and starts to build turbo boost somehow (something to do with the polar alignment of your gonads) then second tap provides acceleration and pushes the boost up a sh*tload higher, then fast release off gas and you get a nice flutter, gearchange, or stay in first if you're doing it in confined spaces for a nice whirring spool down.

As I said above, these are just tips I've picked up from a few hundred threads all regurgitating the same sh*t but have found work in practicality if you want to showboat like a goon. :)

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what kinda power and boost levels do the factory units start leaking?

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Not for a while I don't think but for a couple of 100 you can upgrade and set you mind at ease.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Menace
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the plastic bosch valve actually holds boost better than some of the aftermarket valves up until about 15psi from memory.

my friend has a 9 sec drag car and uses 2 of them on it and has only had to replace one of them in the 6 years he has raced it.

So the stock one will do the job, is it worth while upgrading the bov or only if your making some serious rwkw?


what kinda power and boost levels do the factory units start leaking?

Anyone figured out if these standard bov's are any good in the 18psi+ region?? These posts were made a while ago, has anyone had any bad experience with standard ones leaking? Im running 2 of them...

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Anyone figured out if these standard bov's are any good in the 18psi+ region?? These posts were made a while ago, has anyone had any bad experience with standard ones leaking? Im running 2 of them...

Hit and miss I think,especially on BA/BF with the older parts inside the BOV,mine shat itself two meeting ago and wouldn't run above 115mph for a few runs....took it off and blocked it as a process of elimination and bang straight back to normal mph.It had done 155,000kms at the time though lol.16psi tune and was only getting 12psi with it on for those dodgy runs.

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