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Tint - More Confused Than Ever!

Guest Xr6Tas

What type of tint is superior for the BA?  

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I think the bottom line is... do you listen to AM radio much? If not who cares.. it only affects AM reception...

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Guest Xr6Tas
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I think the bottom line is... do you listen to AM radio much? If not who cares.. it only affects AM reception...

Listen to a bit of AM for news reports, but mainly stick to FM of course. Would like to receive both without interference, but if I have to sacrifice AM for better tint, so be it.

Looking into it now to see if I can get the newer metallic tint that wont effect reception. Otherwise dye based all round it is.

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I have metallic all round, and it hasnt affected anything. I was warned that it would affect my sat nav, apparently the sensors are up under the parcel shelf, but it is still as accurate as ever. Radio reception hasn't been affected. However, I only listen to FM. It seems to be better (reception wise) than any other car ive ever driven. :unsure:

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  • DavoXT
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:unsure: Had mine done by Tint a Car Cannition, great job no bubbles.

Metallic sides and non metallic rear, cant tell the diffrence all looks the same.



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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Tint is done through ‘Tint a Car’ with Westpoint, so if I should ask for a  particular type of tint available from them, that doesn’t effect reception and/or discolour, please let me know.

The details I have are as follows:

Wetspoint tell me the tint is supplied by MOTOR ONE GROUP and applied by Tint a Car

Lifetime warranty

Patented scratch resistant coating

Patented ultra bond adhesive

99 % ultra violet rejection

35% Visivle light transmission

50% Glare reduction

40% Heat reduction

The Warranty card states it is Tint UltraClassic window film. The manufacturer is CPFilms and it is distributed by Martin Energy Products in Canterbury VIC. I have done a web search and so far found no info on either the film, manufacturer or distributer.

I have dye based tint all the way round as per Ford recommendations.

FWIW. My AM reception is CRAP at the moment and FM is not perfect, Stereo drops out a lot. Will get the RF amp checked/replaced at first service.

IMO. go for the Ford recommendation and use the dealer tint supplier so you have plenty of recourse if a problem does develop.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Looking into it now to see if I can get the newer metallic tint that wont effect reception. Otherwise dye based all round it is.

All metalic tints will affect radio reception regardless of construction. Simply put ANY metalic film on the window will redcue the amount of RF energy reaching the aerial.

How much the signal is reduced will depend on a number of factors and may result in poor AM and FM reception particularly in marginal signal strength areas. I'd avoid it if you want trouble free reception under all circumstances.

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Guest Xr6Tas
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Thanks for the info Dave. Makes sense.

I think I'll stick to dye based all round to be on the safe side. I just hope that it doesnt go purple, or fade too much over time :thumbsup:

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All metalic tints will affect radio reception regardless of construction. Simply put ANY metalic film on the window will redcue the amount of RF energy reaching the aerial.

What are you basing that on?

This is contratry to what Tint A Car told me (of course they have a reason to mislead).

Not being critical but the film can only stop EM waves "reaching" the aerial from the inside - the tint in on the very inside of the glass and the aerial is either in the middle of the glass or deposited on the inside of the glass (BA has it deposited on the inside rather then in the middle). Therefore the tint can not stop anything reaching the aerial from the outside only the inside (the anount of signal that reaches an aerial from the inside is very small due the attenuation of the car body and windows).

I can see however, two possible ways the tint could effect reception even though applied on the inside.

1. If something metallic was laid directly on the deposited aerial then it would short it out effectivly shortening the aerial - thus very much reduced signal.

2. If the presence of the melatic film within a few milimeters of the deposited aerial causes the aerial to loose efficiency. (My electo-magnetics theory is a little rusty so I cant say whether this is likly or not - perhaps any engineers out there who are up to date on current EM theory could let us know once and for all)

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Cam - the shorting out theory is of course possible, if the film is conductive at its surface. A simple test with a ohm meter will establish that. Why not get a sample and test it but dont pierce the surface of the film.

As stated,

Simply put ANY metalic film on the window will redcue the amount of RF energy reaching the aerial

I was being very simplistic in my explanation. MY RF theory is a little rusty too, however I was not really trying to imply that it was acting as a shield, although it does read that way in retrospect. The more likely effect (as you have indicated) is reduced efficiency due to the ground plane effect of a large metalic surface laying across the aerial (window) surface. This will greatly affect the properties of the aerial and MAY cause loss of RF sensitivity at the desired frequencies. It may also increase sensitivity at undesired frequencies leading to increased noise to the RF amplifier. I suspect that the RF front end of the radio is not very sophisticated and relys on a band pass filter (500khz - 110Mhz) and a rather simple AGC system. So an increase in RF noise in these frequencies would reduce the RF amp gain and thus reduce the wanted signal being provided to the rest of the circuit.

Just for clarity - this is opinion based on a little knowledge and some assumptions I have made (which may be dangerous). Until either I or someone else can provide catagoric facts it should be taken as such :)

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