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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I'm looking at exhaust options for my currently all stock xr6T BF MKII. I want it to be a little louder but am mainly after a nicer exhaust note and the ability to allow for higher flow if I choose to do some performance mods (I'm not going after any crazy kw numbers and am happy to keep it at stock or near stock power for the moment). I'm also deciding between catback or turboback options and price isn't too much of a concern but obviously if I can save a couple of bucks that'd be nice. I've seen brands like xforce, venom and a couple of others and was hoping you guys can share your personal experiences. Thanks!
  2. Hi guy first time car owner was just after suggestions on mods I can add to my 2014 fg falcon xr6. Now bare with me as I’m slowly but surely get a lil car savy lol but any advice would be great PS I see in other forums something called a CAT so anything like that if u could put it in lamen terms that would be great cheers in advance
  3. Hey lads, I've just bought an auto 2008 fg xr6 turbo ute that's completely stock. Being new to the scene I have a few questions for the more experienced. Firstly I was wondering what kind of power the stock turbo is capable of and how much psi they can take before things get a bit sketchy. Secondly I was wondering how much power the stock driveline and gearbox are capable of taking. I'm chasing anywhere around 400kw at the wheels. Not looking for something to get low numbers on the drag but something that's capable of smoking just about anything I put it up against. The first thing I'm looking at doing is changing all the stock inter cooler/turbo piping and getting a tune and an exhaust Money isn't a major issue however I would like to keep the costs as low as possible to try and do as much as possible if that makes sense? Any input would be greatly appreciated and there will be photos to come as the build gets under way. Cheers, Taylor.
  4. Hey Guys, - just interested in all your experiences / comments on the following: I have a 2013 mk2 FG XR6 TURBO UTE with Luxury Pack (Black of course ) Didn't exactly have and cash to spare on it, so have done minimal mods. First thing I did was a Herrod performance airbox. Gain was minimal, most change in the noise. Next thing I did was remove the restrictive ring after the cat. Again minimal gain, no difference in noise. Decided to go for a flash tune, even through I was sure I would never do it until I ran out of warranty - I ended up getting a generic tune from Intune Motorsports in Sydney sent down to me preloaded into a device paired to my car. After the 14psi tune was loaded up successfully, car is much better. Has heaps more power down low speeds - at 0-100 especially. This tune also removes the pop on change (its a ZF), which I did like, however it now lurches fwd on change instead of pausing, so this is a plus for pace. (Also great for power skids, as on a cold morning, you can nail it, wheel spin through first, which is intensified on the change and this goes for a good amount of time through second... just something about hanging it out in a straight line without the brakes.. Once I get up to midway through 3rd... full throttle, it sounds quite rough... still a consistent motor note, just a vibrating kinda roughness through the whole car - I have no idea wha is causing this?? Perhaps running out of injectors? - I know custom tune is the way to go but I wont be doing that for quite some time. Has anyone else experienced this?? On the exhaust, I hate loud cars when just cruising around, so haven't touched it yet... I might do the cat one day... just hafta see.... because Utes sound crap stock... the sedans are way better... guess its just the shorter/single pipe?...but its a no comparison. In the way of drags... main story is with my mates BF XR6 TURBO SEDAN... has full exhaust, injectors, custom tune etc... 297rwkw.... I gave him a good run.... pulled ahead off the mark... and continued to crawl slowly away the whole way to 180kmph - on a private strip. So not too sure what mine would have... maybe around 300?... seems weird, as dyno's all vary, but I dont think mine has a less as 250rwk... which some people claim are the figures after just a flash tune and intake. Glad of all your comments / ideas for what I should do! O and also I have 4 pot brembo's being fitted at the moment... needing to use 17mm spacers to clear the 19 inch luxury wheels. Cheers.
  5. Hello all, I have a stock 03 BA XR6T with a T5 that has a boost issue that after months and months of research cannot be rectified. I am going to take my car to my uncles friends workshop who has a dyno to sus out the issue and I figured while it was there to get a tune done. I am not looking to get any huge power gains just a decent tune to go with the stock set-up. Question 1: I have seen afew early model capa tuners on ebay that are blank or have 1 or 2 flashes left in them.. The guy who has the dyno has not worked with XR6T's before and said if I can supply him the hardware required he can put it on the dyno and tune it up for me. He has no software whatsoever, does he need software to tune the car with just the capa box? What are my options here? Question 2: Are the early model capa flash tuners ok for the outcome I am looking for? I have done no mods and am not planning on doing any apart from the centre muffler that has been removed. Any advice is VERY apreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hey guys been looking around but haven't actually found a post where somebody has painted their stock wheels on an FG.. Wanted to know what the rough price would be if I were to go with any of the below colours (quick photoshop job) and howmuch it would set me back if I were to lower the car as low as it is in the pictures (stock height at the moment) thanks p.s: wouldn't mind your opinions on what colour I should choose either so hit me up!
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