well had car just on 3 weeks and its in peices..!! turns out the previous owner done his own pod filter in the box mod.. but little beknown to me he has stuffed part of a chux superwipe btwn pvc pipe and box housing.. so today driving like a grandpa I hears this noise similar to a blowoff valve as I was taking off.. his pvc pipe had dropped out and the chux got sucked right into the compressor wheel.. all over red rover.. not happy jan..!! bent fins.. already ripped it apart and debating what next move is.. a new wheel..? (cartridge has minimal shaft movement).. a new cartridge or.. a new turbo..?? I know what would be cheaper..!! but I have a few questions.. 1- what turbos are a direct bolt up..? 2- the .7 housings use the 706451-5015 cartridge with 4in inlet.. will this fit my turbine housing..? 3- should I go garrett or to4z or similiar 4- has anyone had good/bad experienes with cheaper less well known brands and which are recommended.? 5- what is acceptable shaft movement..? I can get a GT3582R with .7 housing, 4in inlet, 2.5 in compressor out, but it has a .63 4 bolt turbine housing fitted for external wastegate for $750 less than 24hrs use on it. so was tossing up to mix and match my turbine housing and that compressor.. then I would need a tune.. or just buy the wheel and take my cartridge in have it fitted and balanced...?