Hi there forum people.
I have asked this question before and did not seem to get far so I have decided to give it a go again.....
my fg mk1 xr6t has a habit, no it's not a habit, it does this all the time of rev hunting when cold.
its when you have started up, got onto the open road ( I live in the country) and you are cruising along at 1500rpm on a steady throttle and it starts rev hunting up and down about 500 rpm judging by what the tachometer says and it's also accompanied by an intense vibration when it drops into top gear.
only when cold, never when warmed up.
the other issue I have is how do you get decent cold air out of the A/C?
jesus it's pathetic.
the temperature sensor seems to be fairly accurate, I'm starting to think the compressor is not big enough.
Any ideas anyone?