Hey guys, im very new here, I figured the best place to ask about them, was here, and not on the NissanSilvia forum where I used to spend my time. I currently have a 1995 Nissan 200sx Silvia S14. Its a jap 4 cyl turbo with about 230HP to the wheels. I have someone interested in buying it and I've been eying off many BA XR6T's and XR8's for sometime. But, I think I would prefer a 6 turbo, given the nature and love of my previous car. My car used to be an auto, but then I converted it to a manual as I somehow broke the auto :o What do you guys use for spirited driving in the xr6T's? I quite like the idea of quick shift in the auto. But, being a manual "drop clutch" kind of person, maybe im better off getting a manual? Is this an upgrade that could be reccommended? what are some things that can go wrong with a BA xr6T? I've heard diff bushes can be bad even with low KM models. Thanks for any help, comments, advice or welcomes! Glen