Hello all! (Just a bit of background info to set the scene) I have recently purchased a 2005 ba xr6 turbo. I opt for the 3 year used car "sentinal" warrany. came in handy immediatly when I got rear bushes replaced, and currently booked in for a clunk in the drive train (thinking drive shaft for diff?) Anyway, when it went in for the bushes I had them clean the throttle body after seeing on this forum it was a possible cause of engine idle problems, it fixed it and all went well. But after getting my car back a new problem has started When giving it a bit of power off the lights or to overtake, up to around 4000rpm or above and changing gears, it will accelerate for less than half a second, then back off for a second or so, before restoring power... Car is stock standard 6 speed bar a blow off valve it came with from previous owner, 108,000kms. would this possibly be coil packs? leads and plugs? or boost issue? My warranty wont let me take it to ford for diagnostics so im worried a small mechanic outfit will end up just guessing and putting parts on until its fixed. ideas? thanks!