I have recently bought a 2012 Ford Falcon XR6 Turbo and I have some issues with fault codes. Whenever I start the car I always get the DSC and System Comms faults, non of my cars drivability is effected although it is quite annoying having my dash light up like a bloody christmas tree. The guy I bought it off said they just need to be cleared by Ford so I hope that's just the case. I also sometimes randomly get a Check Engine fault. Sometimes I drive and don't get the issue, sometimes it comes up when I start the car or sometimes 15 minutes into a trip. Previous owner said that is happening due to the DSC and System Comms fault although Im worried it is something more. I also get the RSS fault at times although I think its just dust clogging a sensor most likely. My car always drives the same and sounds the same although are these faults something I need to worry about? My car has been tuned and is running 460rwhp so could that be a reason all these faults have occurred with the car? Also the car had these issues when I bought it so lets hope I haven't bought a lemon, the bloke also reckons I just need to get the codes cleared by Ford, is this true or could there be more lying behind the faults. Sorry for long post, thanks.